

Viewing the search results

Your search returned a bunch of results. Now what should you do?

When you perform a search in Profiles, the search results are displayed in the People view. Profiles search results are limited to 250 results by default. This figure can be changed by the administrator.

Profile tags are not included in search results.

To review the search results...

  1. You can view the business card of people returned by a search by hovering over their name and clicking the pop-up window to view their business card. If after viewing the business card, you want to learn more, click the person's name to open their profile.

  2. Filter the results by clicking a tag in the tag cloud on the left to display only the people who are tagged with a specific keyword.

  3. You can page through the search results by clicking the Next, Previous, or page number buttons at the top and bottom of the view. If there are too many results, you can search again. In the subsequent search, provide more qualifiers by filling in more of the search fields.

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