

Create a wiki page

Add a new wiki page to share information and collaborate with fellow community members.

You must have the Editor role to add pages to a community wiki.

If your community has a wiki associated with it and you have the appropriate access level, you can add pages to the wiki directly from the community.

To create a wiki page...

  1. Open the community's Overview page.

  2. In the Wiki area, click Create Wiki Page. The New Page form opens in the Wikis user interface.

  3. Enter a name for the page in the New Page field. Choose a name that describes the page content.

  4. Enter your content in the text field provided, then click Save and Close.

For information on how to work with your new page, click the Help link in the top right of the Wikis user interface. You can return to the community at any time by clicking the community title in the community business card that displays on the top left of the page.

Community wiki help


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