

Manage a community wiki

After adding a wiki to your community, you can edit the wiki description, hide the wiki, or remove it from the community. Only community owners can manage the wiki associated with a community.

As a community owner, you can edit basic information about the community wiki, and you can also suspend wiki activity or remove the wiki from the community.

  1. To edit the wiki description:

    1. Click Edit at the top of the community page and click the Wiki tab.

      You can also select Edit from the action menu.

    2. Edit the information in the Description field and then click Save.

  2. To hide the wiki, choose Hide from the action menu and confirm that you want to temporarily remove the wiki from the community. When you are ready to resume wiki activity, click Customize to open the content palette, click Hidden, and select Wiki to restore the wiki to the community. Any content previously added to the wiki is also restored.

  3. To delete the wiki and all its content, choose Remove from the action menu and confirm that you want to permanently remove the wiki.

  4. To refresh the community wiki and see all of the latest activity, choose Refresh from the action menu.

  5. To expand or collapse the widget content, select Toggle.

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