Change the theme of your community
You can customize the appearance of your community by changing its default theme. You must be a community owner to change the default theme.
Community themes are not available if your administrator has made customizations that apply to all of the IBM Lotus Connections features.
When you create a community, a default theme is automatically applied. You can change the colors and fonts used in the community's user interface by selecting a new theme. You can choose from a number of default themes, and your administrator can also make custom themes available.Apply a different theme to a community does not affect any associated applications. For example, if you have associated a Confluence wiki with your community and you change the theme of the community, the appearance of the wiki is not affected.
To select a new theme for your community...
- From your community's Overview page, click Edit.
- Click Change the theme of your community.
- Select a theme from the options provided, and then click Save.
The theme is applied to all the pages in the community.
Communities overviews, how-tos, and FAQs