

Specify external labels for attributes

In IBM Lotus Connections, you can apply custom labels stored in an external resource bundle to any attribute, editable attribute, or custom extension attribute.

To edit configuration files, use wsadmin. See Start wsadmin for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool.

When you specify external labels for attributes, editable attributes, or custom extension attributes, the labels are only applied to the user interface element that the configuration object represents. For example, if you apply a custom label to a business card <attribute> element, the label does not automatically apply to the same element in the advanced search page layout. The label configuration must be applied to each user interface element individually.

To specify an external label for an attribute:

  1. Add an external resource bundle to Lotus Connections by following the steps outlined in the topic, Adding custom strings to Lotus Connections.

  2. Use wsadmin to access and check out the Profiles configuration files.

    1. Access the Profiles configuration files:

    2. Check out the Profiles configuration files...

      ProfilesConfigService.checkOutConfig("<working_directory>", "cell_name")


      • <working_directory> is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied and are stored while you make changes to them. Use forward slashes to separate directories in the file path, even if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.

      • cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the Profiles feature. This argument is required even in stand-alone deployments. This argument is case-sensitive, so type it with care. If you do not know the cell name, do one of the following to determine it:

        • Stand-alone deployment: See:


        • Network deployment: From wsadmin...

          print AdminControl.getCell()

      For example:

      • AIX/Linux:


    3. Microsoft Windows:


  3. Edit profiles-config.xml

  4. Locate the <attribute>, <editableAttribute>, or <extensionAttribute> element that corresponds to the user interface feature to which you want to apply the custom label.

  5. Add the following attributes to the element:

    • labelkey. Specifies the label to display for the attribute.

    • bundleIdRef. Specifies the external resource bundle id that contains the label.

    For example:

      <attribute labelKey="labels.custom.officeName" bundleIdRef="myres">officeName</attribute>

  6. Save your changes. Apply property changes

Customizing Profiles


Related tasks

Add custom strings to Communities and Profiles

Apply property changes


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