Configure the mini reports-to cache
The mini reports-to cache is one of the two in-memory caches used by Profiles to support the organizational structure views.
To edit configuration files, use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client. See Start wsadmin for information about how to start the wsadmin command-line tool.
The mini reports-to cache is used to populate the mini report-to chain view to the right of the business card in a profile. This cache contains one entry for every profile in the database. Every time this cache is loaded from the database, it is saved to the file system. This operation enables quick reloading of the cache when the Profiles application is restarted.To manage the display of report-chain information using the mini reports-to cache...
Use wsadmin to access and check out the Profiles configuration files.
- Access the Profiles configuration files:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- Check out the Profiles configuration files...
ProfilesConfigService.checkOutConfig("<working_directory>", "cell_name")where:
- <working_directory> is the temporary working directory to which the configuration XML and XSD files are copied and are stored while you make changes to them. Use forward slashes to separate directories in the file path, even if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.
- cell_name is the name of the WebSphere Application Server cell hosting the Profiles feature. This argument is required even in stand-alone deployments. This argument is case-sensitive, so type it with care. If you do not know the cell name, do one of the following to determine it:
- Stand-alone deployment: See:
- Network deployment: From wsadmin...
print AdminControl.getCell()
For example:
- AIX/Linux:
- Microsoft Windows:
- To configure the mini reports-to cache...
ProfilesConfigService.updateConfig("<property>", "<value>")where
- <property> is one of the editable Profiles configuration properties.
- <value> is the new value with which you want to set that property.
The following table displays information regarding the properties that you can configure for the mini reports-to chain cache, and the type of data that you can enter for them.
Mini reports-to chain cache properties
Option Description miniReportsToChainCache.enabled Enables or disables the mini reports-to cache. This property takes a Boolean value: true or false. The value must be formatted in lowercase.
miniReportsToChainCache.size The number of employee entries expected in the cache. Profiles uses this information to efficiently initialize and load the cache. This property takes an integer value.
miniReportsToChainCache.refreshTime Determines the time of day in 24-hour time format that Profiles should perform the first scheduled reload of the cache. The property value must be formatted in hours and minutes as follows: HH:MM.
miniReportsToChainCache.refreshInterval The time in minutes between cache reloads. This property takes an integer value.
miniReportsToChainCache.startDelay The time in minutes that Profiles should wait after starting before loading the mini-cache for the first time. This property takes an integer value.
For example, to enable the cache, enter:
- After making changes, check the configuration files back in, and do so in the same wsadmin session in which you checked them out for the changes to take effect. See Applying property changes for information about how to save and apply your changes.
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