Delete orphaned data
Delete orphaned data from remote applications following a system crash or database failure.
To use wsadmin commands, use the IBM WebSphere Application Server wsadmin client. See Start the wsadmin client for details.
When you run the CommunitiesRemoteAppService.generateSyncReport command following a system crash or database failure, the command generates two reports, one of which is the orphanedRemoteApplications report. This report lists all the remote applications that have been orphaned as a result of the failure. As part of your backup and restore operation, you can run the CommunitiesRemoteAppService commands for each remote application listed in the orphanedRemoteApplications report to reassociate each instance with a community. For some of the orphaned resources, you might choose to delete the data from the remote applications. The following instructions explain how to delete any orphaned resources you don't want associated with a community.To delete orphaned data from a remote application...
- Use the wsadmin client to access the configuration files for the remote application from which you want to delete the orphaned data.
- To access the Activities configuration file, use one of the following commands:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- To access the Blogs configuration file, use one of the following commands:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- To access the Files configuration file, use one of the following commands:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- To access the Wikis configuration file, use one of the following commands:
- Stand-alone deployment:
- Network deployment:
- To delete the orphaned data, use one of the following commands:
- Activities:
ActivityService.deleteActivities(vector activities)
The Activities widget contains many activities associated with a single community. You can use the oldCommunityId as an identifier to query for a Vector of all orphaned activities and delete them.
To generate the vector...
where olcCommunityUuid comes from the orphanReport.
- Blogs:
BlogsAdminService.deleteWeblog(weblogId)Each orphaned blog has its blog ID in the report labeled as an Object Identifying Id.
- Files:
FilesLibraryService.delete(libraryId)Each orphaned files library has its library ID in the report labeled as an Object Identifying Id.
- Wikis:
WikisLibraryService.delete(libraryId)Each orphaned files library has its library ID in the report labeled as an Object Identifying Id.
Recovering from a database failure
Previous topic:
Assigning orphaned remote applications to a community
Related tasks
Restore a Community Blogs widget