Add a section to the footer
You can edit the files that control the content of the Lotus Connections footer to add to the footer's functionality. This procedure describes how to add a section to the footer. After adding a section, you can add one or more links to it.
The content of the footer is defined in the footer.html file. There are parts of the footer that you should not edit or you risk limiting the basic functionality of the footer. To protect this content, it is specified using macros. These items include:
- {{footerlink.***}}
- Set of macros that represent the standard links that are displayed in the footer.
- {{ label.footer.*** }}
- Set of macros that represent globalized labels replaced by string values stored in Lotus Connections properties files.
- {{ root }}
- Contains links to the base location of the feature WAR file, which is usually stored in a that can be accessed from the following Web address:
http://server_name/feature/navwhere server_name is the domain namespace of the server, such as www.acme.com, and feature is the name of a feature, such as activities.
To add a section to the footer...
- Make a copy of the footer.html template file. You can access the file from either of the following places:
WAS_HOME/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/ cell_name/feature_name.ear/ feature_name.war/templateswhere WAS_HOME is the to which you installed the WebSphere Application Server, profile_name is the profile to which you installed one of the Lotus Connections features, cell_name is the cell to which you installed the feature, feature_name.ear is the EAR file name for the feature, and feature_name.war is one of the following files names:
- Activities: oawebui.war
- Blogs: blogs.war
- Bookmarks: dogear.webui.war
- Communities: comm.web.war
- Files: qkr.share.files.war
- Home page: dboard.war
- News: news.web.war
- Profiles: peoplepages.war
- Search: search.war
- Wikis: qkr.share.wiki.war
The footer.html file is the same for each feature. You only need to make a copy of one instance of the footer.html file.
- Add the copy to a on the IBM HTTP Server that is publicly addressable by a Web browser.
The default document root location is:
<IHS-folder>/htdocs/<language_code>For example, you might save the file to the following directory:
- Open the copy of the footer.html file stored on the IBM HTTP Server in a text editor.
- To add an additional section to the footer, for example, a set of links to your company's Web sites, add the following HTML code to the file:
Heading section: <th>{{ label.footer.connections.heading }}</th> <th>{{ label.footer.help.heading }}</th> <th class="lconnFooterToolsHeader">{{ label.footer.tools.heading }}</th> <th class="lotusLast">{{ label.footer.about.heading }}</th> <th><Specify your company name here></th>
- Because you are adding a link to the end of the list, move the class=lotusLast attribute from the <th> tag that used to be last, which in this case is the {{label.footer.about.heading}} <th> tag, and add it to the <th> tag that you just added. For example:
Heading section: <th>{{ label.footer.connections.heading }}</th> <th>{{ label.footer.help.heading }}</th> <th class="lconnFooterToolsHeader">{{ label.footer.tools.heading }}</th> <th>{{ label.footer.about.heading }}</th> <th class="lotusLast">Acme Corporation</th>
- Add a <td> block after the <td class="lotusLast"><ul id="lotusFooterULAbout"> code block. Add your link to the <td> block using an <li> element. For example:
Content section: ... <td> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.acme.com/">Acme Corporation</a></li> </ul> </td> ...
- Cut the class="lotusLast" attribute from the previous <td> block and paste it into the <td> block that you added. For example:
<td> <ul id="lotusFooterULAbout"> {{ footerlink.about.about }} {{ footerlink.about.connectionsonline }} {{ footerlink.about.submitfeedback }} </ul> </td> <td class="lotusLast"> <ul> <li><a href="http://www.acme.com/">Acme Corporation</a></li> </ul> </td>
- Save and close the footer.html file.
- To test whether your link was successfully added to the footer, open the footer.html file that you created in a Web browser by going to the following Web page, for example:
- Apply your changes to the product by changing the value of the style property in the Lotus Connections configuration file to reference your updated version of the footer.html file. To edit the Lotus Connections configuration file...
- Check out the common Lotus Connections configuration file by following the steps in the topic, Changing common configuration property values.
- Set the style property to point to the new footer file...
LCConfigService.updateConfig("style.footer.url", "http://server_name.company_name.com/<path-to-style-dir>/footer.html") LCConfigService.updateConfig("style.enabled","true")
- To view the change that you made, enter the following command:
- Follow the steps in Applying common configuration property changes to apply the changes.
Customizing the navigation bar and footer
Related tasks
Change common configuration property values
Apply common configuration property changes