

The InstallResponse.txt file


Perform silent installations by using a response file.

When you install a Lotus Connections feature, you can record your selections in a response file. After the initial installation, you can perform similar installations by starting the installer from the command line and passing the response file in as an argument. During the installation, the path and name of the default file are displayed:

If you do not change the file name, several common properties are overwritten if you install a subsequent feature to the same machine. The Installing in silent mode topic explains how to edit the default name of the response file. Whether or not you rename it, the response file collects a specific set of values. Examples of those values are described in the following tables.

Spaces and line breaks have been added to some entries in the Response columns to improve readability.

InstallResponse.txt file common properties

Response Description
-G licenseAccepted=true Identifies whether you accept the license agreement. Options are true or false.
-W responseFilePanel.enableResponseFile="InstallOnly" Identifies whether to collect and store the selections you make while using the installer. The available options are ResponseFileAndInstall, InstallOnly, and ResponseFileOnly.
-W responseFilePanel.responseFileLocation="C:\InstallResponse.txt" Location in which to store the response file.
-W passwordHandler.encodePassword="true" Identifies whether to enable password encryption. Options are true or false.
-W deploymentTopology.selection="network" Identifies the topology of installation. Options are Stand-alone, Network, and Advanced stand-alone.
-W ndOptionsPanel.ndoptions="primary" Identifies the install type of current node. Options are primary and convert.
-P installLocation="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/LotusConnections" The installation location of Lotus Connections. Specify a valid where the product should be installed. If the contains spaces, enclose it in double-quotes. For example, to install the product to C:\Program Files\Lotus Connections, use -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\Lotus Connections"
-W featureSelectionPanel.features="activities,blogs,communities,dogear,files, profiles,wikis" Identifies features of Lotus connections to be installed.
-W extensionFeatureSelectionPanel.consumer Features="homepage,mobile" Identifies the consumer features of Lotus connections to be installed.
-W extensionFeatureSelectionPanel.infraFeatures ="news,search" Identifies the infrastructure features of Lotus connections to be installed.
-W wasSelection.wasselected="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer" Identifies the location of the WebSphere Application Server instance on which to install Lotus Connections.
-W hostname.name="appserver.enterprise.example.com" Host name of the WebSphere Application Server.
-W dbTypePanel.dbType="db2" Specifies which database product you want to use. Options are DB2, oracle, or sqlserver.
-W dbOnSameServerOrNot.sameserver="yes" Whether all the features are using the same database server.
-W jdbcProviderPanel.jdbcHostField="database.enterprise.example.com" Host name of the database server.
-W jdbcProviderPanel.jdbcPortField="50000" The port number for the database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2 database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W "/opt/IBM/db2/v9.0/SQLLIB/java" Fully-qualified file path to the in which the JAR files that are used for the database JDBC connection are stored.

DB2Specify one of the following JAR files to support the DB2 JDBC driver: db2jcc.jar – the DB2 universal driver file. db2jcc_license_cu.jar – this license file permits a connection to the Cloudscape server and all DB2 databases for AIX, Linux and Windows servers.

Lotus Connections does not support Cloudscape, DB2 for z/OS®, nor DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries®.

Oracle: The JAR file that supports the Oracle JDBC driver is ojdbc14.jar.

SQL Server: The JAR file that supports the SQL Server JDBC driver is sqljdbc.jar. Download the SQL Server 2005 JDBC 1.2 driver from the Microsoft Web site and follow the instructions to extract the driver files.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_activities.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(activities.dbname.default)" Activities database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_activities.appUserField ="$J(activities.dbuser.default)" Activities database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_activities.appUserPasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Activities database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_blogs.jdbcDatabaseField="$J(blogs.dbname.default)" Blogs database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_blogs.appUserField="$J(blogs.dbuser.default)" Blogs database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_blogs.appUserPasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Blogs database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_communities.jdbcDatabaseField="$J(communities.dbname.default)" Communities database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_communities.appUserField="$J(communities.dbuser.default)" Communities database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_communities.appUserPasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Communities database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_dogear.jdbcDatabaseField="$J(dogear.dbname.default)" Dogear database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_dogear.appUserField="$J(dogear.dbuser.default)" Dogear database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_dogear.appUserPasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Dogear database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_profiles.jdbcDatabaseField="$J(profiles.dbname.default)" Profiles database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_profiles.appUserField ="$J(profiles.dbuser.default)" Profiles database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_profiles.appUser PasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Profiles database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_wikis.jdbcDatabaseField ="$J(wikis.dbname.default)" Wikis database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_wikis.appUserField="$J(wikis.dbuser.default)" Wikis database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_wikis.appUser PasswordField="MTE=" Password associated with the Wikis database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_files.jdbcDatabaseField ="$J(files.dbname.default)" Files database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_files.appUserField="$J(files.dbuser.default)" Files database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_files.appUser PasswordField="OTk=" Password associated with the Files database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_homepage.jdbcDatabase Field="$J(homepage.dbname.default)" Home page, Search, News repository database name.

the Homepage, Search, and News features use the same database.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_homepage.appUserField ="$J(homepage.dbuser.default)" Home page, Search, News repository database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanel_homepage.appUser PasswordField="Lz4sLChvLTs=" Password associated with the Home page, Search, News repository database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file. Do not edit this value.
-W dataDir.selection="specifyparent" Identifies whether specify data directories for storing customer data feature by feature or specify parent only. Options are specifyparent or specifyeach.
-W dataDir.datadir="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/LotusConnections/Data" Identifies the parent for data storing customer data of Lotus Connections in the file system.
-W notificationEnablement.selection="true" Identifies whether to enable notification cross features. Options are true or false.
-W notificationSolution.notificationSolution ="javamailsession" Identifies notification solution. Options are legacy or javamailsession. Legacy stands for DNX MX record, while javamailsession stands for Java™ mail session.
-W notificationConfigJavaMailSession.smtpServer NameField="my.company.com" Host name of the SMTP server.
-W notificationConfigJavaMailSession.smtp UserField="smtpuser" User for SMTP basic authentication under Java mail session solution.
-W notificationConfigJavaMailSession.smtp PasswordField="OSkrKiw6LQ==" Password associated with the user for SMTP basic authentication.
-W notificationConfigJavaMailSession.useSSL Checkbox="" Identify whether use SSL for SMTP connection. Options are true or blank for false.
-W notificationConfigJavaMailSession.smtp PortNumberField="25" Port number for SMTP service under Java mail session solution. Options are 25 for HTTP and 465 for HTTPS.
-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpDomainField ="enterprise.example.com" Domain name of SMTP server for legacy solution.

These legacy items won't take effect until you've chosen the notification solution as Legacy solution. -W notificationSolution.notificationSolution="legacy"

-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpDNSHostField ="domainserver" Host name of the domain name server for legacy solution
-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpDNSPortField ="53" Port number for the domain name server look-up service
-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpUserField="smptuser" User for SMTP basic authentication under legacy solution.
-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpPasswordField ="OSkrKiw6LQ==" Password associated with the user for SMTP basic authentication.
-W notificationConfigLegacy.useSSLCheckbox="" Identify whether to use SSL for SMTP connection. Options are true or blank for false.
-W notificationConfigLegacy.smtpPort NumberField="25" Port number for SMTP service under legacy solution. Options are 25 for HTTP and 465 for HTTPS.
-W wpiPanel.selection="true" Identifies whether to enable searching user in PEOPLEDB. Options are true or false.

Covert a stand-alone deployment to network deployment

Response Description
-W ndOptionsPanel.ndoptions="convert" Specify the installation option to convert a stand-alone deployment to a network deployment.
-W lcExistingLocation.location="" Where Lotus Connection features are to be installed.
-W dmInfoPanel_conversion.hostname="" Host name for the deployment manager.
-W dmInfoPanel_conversion.port="8879" Port for deployment manager connection.
-W dmInfoPanel_conversion.wasid="" Administrative ID for deployment manager.
-W dmInfoPanel_conversion.password="" Administrative password for deployment manager.
-W clusterNamePanel_convert.cluster=":" Specify the cluster name(s) for the server(s) that you're going to create the cluster. Use a semicolon-separated string if there are multiple servers. Example: serverAc:activitiesCluster;ServerBl:blogCluster

Network deployment settings

Response Description
-W dmInfoPanel.hostname="" Host name for the deployment manager.
-W dmInfoPanel.port="8879" Port for deployment manager connection.
-W dmInfoPanel.wasid="" Administrative ID for deployment manager.
-W dmInfoPanel.password="" Administrative password for deployment manager.
-W clusterNamePanel.cluster=":"  

Stand-alone deployment settings

Response Description
-W profileServerSelectStandalone.profile="" Name of the profile to use under stand-alone typology.
-W profileServerSelectStandalone.server="" Name of the server process within the profile to use under stand-alone typology.
-W newServerStandalone.profile="item1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use under stand-alone typology.

This item won't take effect until the corresponding setting of server name is set as "<create new server>" in -W profileServerSelectStandalone.server="<create new server>"

Advanced stand-alone settings

Response Description
-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.profile="AppSrv01" Name of the WebSphere Application Server profile
-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Activities.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.blogsServer="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Blogs.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.communities Server="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Communities.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.dogearServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Dogear.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.filesServer="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Files.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.homepageServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Homepage.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.mobileServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Mobile.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.newsServer="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for News repository.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.profilesServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Profiles.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.searchServer ="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Search.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.wikisServer="server1" Name of the server process within the profile to use for Wikis.

The options are: an existing server name and <new_server>. If you select <new_server>, you need to specify the new server name in another response setting,: -W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.activitiesServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Activities.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.blogsServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Blogs.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.communitiesServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Communities.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.dogearServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Dogear.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.filesServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Files.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.homepageServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Homepage.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.mobileServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Mobile.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.newsServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for News repository.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.profilesServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Profiles.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.searchServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Search.

This response setting will take effect only when the corresponding server setting profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer is set to <new_server>

-W profileServerSelectAdvanced.activitiesServer="<new_server>"

-W newServerAdvanced.wikisServer="server1" Name of the server process that will be created within the profile to use for Wikis.

The responses in the following table only take effect if you selected No when asked if all features are using the same database server.

Database-specific response settings

Response Description
-W jdbcProviderPanelSeparate.jdbcLibraryPath Field="$J(jdbclibpath.default)" Fully-qualified path to the in which the JAR files that are used for the database JDBC connection are stored.

DB2: Specify one of the following JAR files to support the DB2 JDBC driver: db2jcc.jar – the DB2 universal driver file. db2jcc_license_cu.jar – this license file permits a connection to the Cloudscape- server and all DB2 databases for AIX, Linux and Windows servers.

Lotus Connections does not support Cloudscape, DB2 for z/OS-, nor DB2 Universal Database- for iSeries-.

Oracle: The JAR file that supports the Oracle JDBC driver is ojdbc14.jar.

SQL Server: The JAR file that supports the SQL Server JDBC driver is sqljdbc.jar. Download the SQL Server 2005 JDBC 1.2 driver from the Microsoft Web site and follow the instructions to extract the driver files.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_activities.jdbc HostField="$J(activities.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Activities database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_activities.jdbc PortField="$J(activities.dbport.default)" Port number for the Activities database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2 database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_activities.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(activities.dbname.default)" Activities database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_activities.app UserField="$J(activities.dbuser.default)" Activities database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_activities.app UserPasswordField="$J(activities.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Activities database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_blogs.jdbc HostField="$J(blogs.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Blogs database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_blogs.jdbc PortField="$J(blogs.dbport.default)" The port number for the Blogs database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_blogs.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(blogs.dbname.default)" Blogs database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_blogs.app UserField="$J(blogs.dbuser.default)" Blogs database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_blogs.app UserPasswordField ="$J(blogs.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Blogs database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_communities .jdbcHostField="$J(communities.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Communities database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_communities .jdbcPortField="$J(communities.dbport.default)" The port number for the Communities database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_communities .jdbcDatabaseField="$J(communities.dbname.default)" Communities database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_communities .appUserField="$J(communities.dbuser.default)" Communities database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_communities .appUserPasswordField="$J(communities.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Communities database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_dogear.jdbc HostField="$J(dogear.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Dogear database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_dogear.jdbc PortField="$J(dogear.dbport.default)" The port number for the Dogear database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_dogear.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(dogear.dbname.default)" Dogear database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_dogear.app UserField="$J(dogear.dbuser.default)" Dogear database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_dogear.app UserPasswordField ="$J(dogear.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Dogear database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_profiles.jdbc HostField="$J(profiles.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Profiles database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_profiles.jdbc PortField="$J(profiles.dbport.default)" The port number for the Profiles database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_profiles.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(profiles.dbname.default)" Profiles database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_profiles.app UserField="$J(profiles.dbuser.default)" Profiles database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_profiles.app UserPasswordField="$J(profiles.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Profiles database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_wikis.jdbc HostField="$J(wikis.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Wikis database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_wikis.jdbc PortField="$J(wikis.dbport.default)" The port number for the Wikis database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_wikis.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(wikis.dbname.default)" Wikis database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_wikis.app UserField="$J(wikis.dbuser.default)" Wikis database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_wikis.app UserPasswordField="$J(wikis.dbpassword. default)" Password associated with the Wikis database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_files.jdbc HostField="$J(files.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Files database server.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_files.jdbc PortField="$J(files.dbport.default)" The port number for the Files database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_files.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(files.dbname.default)" Files database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_files.app UserField="$J(files.dbuser.default)" Files database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_files.app UserPasswordField ="$J(files.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Files database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_homepage.jdbc HostField="$J(homepage.dbhost.default)" Host name of the Home page, News repository, Search database server.

Home page, News repository, Search will use the same database for service.

-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_homepage.jdbc PortField="$J(homepage.dbport.default)" The port number for the Home page, News repository, Search database connection. By default, the port number for a DB2- database is 50000, the port number for an Oracle database is 1521, and the port number for SQL Server is 1433.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_homepage.jdbc DatabaseField="$J(homepage.dbname.default)" Home page, News repository, Search database name.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_homepage.app UserField="$J(homepage.dbuser.default)" Home page, News repository, Search database user ID.
-W jdbcDatasourcePanelSeparate_homepage.app UserPasswordField="$J(homepage.dbpassword.default)" Password associated with the Home page, News repository, Search database user ID. This value is base64 encoded to encrypt the real password when it is stored in this file.

You can edit the appUserPassword field only when the "passwordHandler.encodePassword" field is set to false.

The response settings in the following table take effect only if you selected the option specify each data when you first ran the installation wizard. You can specify this option in the -W dataDir.selection="specifyeach" response setting.

Data response settings

Response Description
-W activitiesDataDirPanel.statistic="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/activities/statistic)" Data of Activities statistics in the file system
-W activitiesDataDirPanel.content="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/activities/content)" Data of Activities content store in the file system.
-W blogsDataDirPanel.upload="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/blogs/upload)" Data in which to store files uploaded to Blogs
-W communitiesDataDirPanel.statistic="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/communities/statistic)" Data in which Communities statistics are stored.
-W dogearDataDirPanel.favorite="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/dogear/favorite)" Data in which Dogear favorite icons are stored.
-W profilesDataDirPanel.statistic="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/profiles/statistic)" Data in which Profiles statistics are stored.
-W profilesDataDirPanel.cache="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/profiles/cache)" Data in which Profiles cache are created.
-W searchDataDirPanel.index="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/search/index)" Data in which Search index are stored.
-W searchDataDirPanel.dictionary="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/search/dictionary)" Data in which Search dictionary are stored.
-W wikisDataDirPanel.upload="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/wikis/upload)" Data in which to store files uploaded to Wikis.
-W filesDataDirPanel.upload="$PATH($P(absoluteInstallLocation), Data/files/upload)" Data in which to store files uploaded to Files.

Install in silent mode


Related tasks

Install from the command line on AIX systems

Install the first node of a cluster


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