

Updating a wiki

To update a wiki, send a replacement wiki definition entry document in Atom format to the existing wiki's edit Web address.

All existing wiki information will be replaced with the new data. To avoid deleting all existing data, retrieve any data you want to retain first, and send it back with this request. For example, if you want to add a new tag to a wiki definition entry, retrieve the existing tags, and send them all back with the new tag in the update request. See Retrieving a wiki for more information.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

To update a wiki...

  1. Retrieve the existing wiki definition using a GET request. See Retrieving a wiki for more details.

  2. Edit the wiki definition Atom document to include the information that you want to change.

  3. Send the updated document using a PUT request to the following URI:

    Atom API GET request details

    Method Resource URI Input representation
    PUT wiki definition Determine the resource URI in either of the following ways:

    • The value of the href attribute of the <link rel="edit"> or <link rel="self"> elements in the wiki definition Atom entry of the wiki, which is available from the available wikis collection or my wikis feed.

    • You can construct the URI using the following syntax: /basic/api/wiki/{wiki-label}/entry where {wiki-label} is the value of the <td:label> element in the wiki definition Atom entry document.

    wiki definition

You can use one or more of these input parameters with the PUT request. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Input parameters

Parameter Description
removeTag Removes the tag that is specified as a string from the wiki definition document. Specify this parameter multiple times to remove multiple tags or leave the value empty to remove all tags.
tag Adds a tag that is specified as a string to the wiki. Specify this parameter multiple times to add multiple tags. If the tag parameter and removeTag parameter are both specified and pass the same tag string, the removeTag parameter is given higher priority.



Provide an updated wiki definition Atom entry document.

The content type of the Atom entry document must be application/atom+xml.



None. Returned HTTP Headers

Error codes

Working with wikis


Related reference

Wiki defintion content


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