Delete wikis
To delete a wiki, use the HTTP DELETE method.
Only the owner of a wiki can delete it. Deleted wikis cannot be restored.
See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.
Atom API request details
Method Resource URI Input and output representations DELETE Wiki definition atom entry Determine the resource URI in either of the following ways:
- The value of the href attribute of the <link rel="edit"> or <link rel="self"> elements in the wiki definition Atom entry of the wiki, which is available from the available wikis collection or public wikis feed.
- You can construct the URI using the following syntax: basic/api/wiki/{wiki-label}/entry where {wiki-label} is the value of the <td:label> element in the wiki definition Atom entry document.
None. Returned HTTP Headers
- HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
- Indicates that the wiki definition was successfully deleted (and no content is returned).
Error codes
- HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
- HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Related reference