Navigating Profiles resources
Describes how to navigate from one Profiles resource to another using the resources made available through the API. When you create an application that accesses Profiles resources, do not construct URLs to Profiles resources; instead write code to follow the links from the user's service document to the user's profiles collection, and then to each individual profile.
The following diagram illustrates how to navigate from the service document to all the available Profiles resources.
Profile feed, Profile extensions, Status feed or Board feed. You can also access the Profile entry from the Reporting chain. From the Profile entry, you can access the Photo and Pronunciation resources."/>The following table describes the available Profiles resources.
Profiles resources
Resource URI Method | Representation Description Collection Value of the href attribute of the <link rel="edit"> element of each entry in the colleague connections feed.
- GET | connection entry
- PUT | connection entry
Represents a colleague relationship. Colleague collections
- From the user's profile feed, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/connections/colleague" attribute value.
- From the user's service document, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/connections/colleague" attribute value.
- GET | connections feed
- PUT | connection entry
Represents a collection of colleague connections. Photo
- From the user's profile feed, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/image" attribute value.
- From the user's profile entry, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/image" attribute value.
- GET | image file
- PUT | image file
Represents a photograph of the user. Profile entry Value of the href attribute of the <link> element with the rel="edit" attribute in the user's profile feed.
- GET | profile entry
- PUT | profile entry
Represents a profile. Profile extensions
- From the user's profile feed, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/ext-attr" attribute value.
- From the user's service document, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/ext-attr" attribute value.
- GET | extension data
- PUT | extension data
Represents custom fields that were added to a profile. Customs fields are defined by the Profiles administrator in the profiles_extensions.properties file. Profile feed From the user's service document, found in the href attribute of the <collection> element in the workspace that has a <title> element which contains the user's name. GET | profile feed Represents a profile. Profile tags
- From the user's service document, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/tag-cloud" attribute value.
- atom/profileTags.do
- GET | tag category document
- PUT | tag category document
Represents tag assigned to a user's profile. Pronunciation
- From the user's profile feed, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/pronunciation" attribute value.
- From the user's profile entry, found in the href attribute of the <link> element that has a rel="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/sn/pronunciation" attribute value.
- GET | audio file
- PUT | audio file
Represents an audio file that contains a recording of the user speaking his or her name to demonstrate its correct pronunciation. Service document atom/profileService.do GET | service document Use this resource to retrieve links to a user's profile feed.