

Searching for a user's profile

Retrieve a feed that contains a specific user's profile.

This method returns a feed of profile as opposed to retrieving the Atom entry of the profile. To retrieve an Atom entry document, see Retrieving a profile entry. The content element of each returned entry includes the vcard information for the person being represented by the entry.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
/atom/profile.do Retrieves a user's profile.

Use one or more of the input parameters to narrow the search. Separate multiple parameters with an ampersand (&).

Input parameters

Parameter Description
email Internet e-mail address of the user whose profile you want to retrieve. Alternately, you can retrieve a set of profiles for multiple users. To do so, provide multiple e-mail addresses, each separated by a comma with no spaces before or after it.Format the HTTP request using the proper URL encoding. For example, the encoded form of the @ symbol is %40 as in:


Do not use this parameter if Lotus Connections is configured to prevent e-mail addresses from being displayed. It will return an error code 400 for an invalid request. Use the key or userid parameters instead. This parameter is ignored if the userid parameter is also specified.

format Specifies whether you want a full profile or partial profile to be returned. Options are lite or full. The default value is full.
key An ID generated by Profiles to identify a person.

A user's key value is contained in the element with a class attribute value of x-profile-key in the user's profile feed. You can access a user's feed by searching all profiles by name, which returns information you can then use to retrieve the person's feed.

output Controls the output type of the Profiles entry content element. Options are:


    Produces content according to the xhtml/vcard microformat specification. hcard content is in XML format which means it can be addressed by XPath. This value is the default option.


    Produces content according to the VCARD 2.1 standard. vcard content is text based, but more compact. This output format specifies the rel="edit" link element for the profile. Use this format if you want to update a profile.

userid Unique ID that represents a specific person. This value is specified in the <snx:userid> element.

Alternately, you can retrieve a set of profiles for multiple users. To do so, provide multiple user IDs, each separated by a comma.



To search for the profile of a user with the user ID 9bf4efz0-8j0y-1028-8b5a-xc07163b51b2, send the following HTTP request:

The HTTP response would look as follows:

The following content is returned by the server:

Get Profiles feeds


Related reference

Retrieving profile extension data

Updating profile extension data

Delete profile extension data

Retrieving a profile entry

Updating profile entries

Profile entry content


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