

Saving stories

To save an item that is displayed in the Updates tab of the Home page so you can read it later, send a request to your saved stories feed with the ID of the update or story you want to save for later. A copy is added to your saved stories, and given a new ID.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

  1. Find the update that you want to save as a saved story in one of the supported feeds. See Getting a feed of all public updates, Getting the top stories, or Getting a person's updates.

  2. Copy the <id> element from the update or story into a new Atom entry document. The complete input should look like this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">

  3. Send the following request:

Atom API request details

Method Resource Address Input representation
POST Value of the href attribute of the "Stories saved by {user name}" collection in the saved stories service document Story Atom entry document



An Atom entry document containing the <id> element of the story or update that you want to save.

The content type header for the Atom entry document must be application/atom+xml.



An Atom entry document containing the new copy of the story added to your saved stories. Returned HTTP Headers

Error codes

Working with stories


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