

Removing a file from a collection

Removes a file from a collection. This action does not delete the file entirely; it only removes its association with the collection.

The currently authenticated user must be the owner of the collection, an administrator, the owner of the item in the collection or have been given delete access to the Collection. Delete access is granted through the manager role of a collection. You must authenticate this request.

See Authenticating requests for information about how to authenticate the request.

Atom API request details

Method URI Input and output representations
DELETE /basic/api/collection/{collection-id}/feed none

{collection-id} is the value of the <td:label> elements in the collection's Atom entry document.

You can use the following header.

Input header

Parameter Description
X-Method-Override Tunnels a DELETE request over the HTTP POST request.

Provide the following required input parameter.

Input parameter

Parameter Description

This is a required parameter.

String. Unique ID of the file that you want to remove from the collection. Specify the value of the <td:uuid> element in the file's Atom document.






None. Returned HTTP Headers

Error codes

Working with files


Related reference

File content


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