

Access other features from one feature

Start from one Lotus Connections features, discover the URIs of all of the installed features.

When you install and configure Lotus Connections features, the URI from which each feature can be accessed is stored in the LotusConnections-config.xml file. Use this resource to retrieve the URIs defined in the configuration file. If you know the address of one service, you can use this feed to get the addresses of the others. Using this resource is equivalent to clicking a feature link in the navigation bar at the top of the Lotus Connections user interface to access another feature.

Atom API request details

Resource Description
/serviceconfigs A feed of URIs to all of the Lotus Connections features.



To search for the URIs to all of the installed Lotus Connections features from the Activities server, send the following HTTP request:

The HTTP response would look as follows:

The following content is returned by the server:

Common API


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