Searching profiles
You can search profiles to find people by their contact information, such as name and job title, or by more advanced information, such as their interests, experience, and work projects. There are a number of different types of search that you can perform in Profiles:
- Use the search control to perform a basic search based on a single search field. This control is available on the top right of every page in Profiles.
- Search for a person by name or keyword using the Profiles by Name and Profiles by Keyword options available from the quick search control.
- Click Profiles Advanced Search to use the advanced search options and perform a more targeted search based on multiple search fields.
- Use the tag cloud on the Profiles Home page to search all of the profile tags for your organization. Click a tag to display a list of people with that tag and show related tags to help you refine your search. To search for profiles that contain a specific tag, click Find tags, enter a tag in the field provided, and click Search for profiles containing this tag.
For all types of search, the wildcard character (*) is supported. For example, if you enter
Ethan *as a search string for names, the results display all profiles for people with the first name Ethan. If you enter
555*as the search string for telephone numbers, the results display all numbers beginning with 555.
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