Frequently asked questions
Find answers to the questions that Profiles users ask most often.
- What is Profiles?
- Profiles provide a of the people in your organization, giving you the information you need to contact them and find out about their projects, skills, and interests.
- Can I change my profile?
- You can use the Edit My Profile page to make changes to change your profile. You can update your contact details, background information, and upload a new image or pronunciation file using the options available on this page.
- What are tags?
- A tag is a descriptive keyword that you assign to your profile or someone else's profile to identify work activities, skills, or interests.
- How can I find people?
- You can search profiles using a simple search to find people by their contact information, such as name and job title, or use more advanced information to find people by searching on their interests, experience, and work projects.
- How do I build up my own network?
- After you've found the people that you want to connect with, add them to your network to build up a set of useful contacts. When you add someone to your network, they receive an e-mail invitation asking them to join your network, which they can accept or decline.
Profiles overviews, how-tos, and FAQs