

Add custom widgets to Communities



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Extend the functionality of the Communities feature by adding custom widgets. To make the widgets available for use in Communities, configure the widgets in the widget definition file, widgets-config.xml.

In IBM Lotus Connections 2.5, you can use custom widgets to bring additional functionality to the Communities feature. Making custom widgets available gives community owners greater control and flexibility over the content of a community. The widgets must use the iWidget specification, which uses technology based on JavaScript, XML, HTML, and CSS. The widget files are stored on an HTTP server. The widgets can be bundled as EAR applications and deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server. They can also be hosted in LAMP, .NET, and other environments.

You need to register the widgets developed by iWidget developers to make them available for use in Lotus Connections. You do this by configuring the widget attributes defined by the iWidget developer in the widgets-config.xml file.

You can add three types of custom widget to Lotus Connections:

Any widget can be used as a mandated, default, or optional widget.

Administer remote applications

Add custom widgets to Profiles

Integrate Web applications into Lotus Connections

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