IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Problems with Server Active Display page
The following content provides solutions to some problems on Server Active Display page.
Server Activity Display in Method/Trace component shows CPU time greater than elapsed time
The problem: When viewing a Method/Trace for a request captured on L3, some methods will display a CPU time greater than the elapsed time.
The reason: Due to the difference in the resolutions of the clocks in the operating system for CPU and wall clock, you will sometimes see greater CPU times than wall clock times. This happens especially when the response time of a request is very small.
Solaris and AIX: Cannot view requests on Server Active Display page
The problem: Due to system limitations on Solaris and AIX, requests with considerable methods may lead to overflowstack exceptions when the data collector deals with them. The data collector cannot capture such requests and send them to the Managing Server due to problems with the application.
The solution: In order to view requests on the Server Active Display page, you need to modify the WAS Generic JVM arguments. Perform the following steps:
- Check where the application fails from the stack trace reported in the JVM error logs.
- Try to fix the application.
- Otherwise, perform the following workaround:
- Login to the WAS administrative console.
- Navigate as follows:
- Select the Servers > Application Servers and select the <ServerName>.
- Navigate to the Additional Properties: Process Definition > Servant > Additional Properties: Java Virtual machine.
- In the Generic JVM arguments field, append the following parameter:
-Xss2mThis may cause a minor performance decrease in the WAS.
Parent topic:
Run the Managing Server