IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version


Show the default fields of all message and trace records in html form:

viewer sample.xml > sample.html

Select for display all fields with a correlation ID of 12. The output is sent to stdout:

viewer -q"select all where CorrelationId = 12" -stext sample.xml

Display all fields with a timestamp less than 1007067881373 milliseconds (Timestamp is the only column name that takes a numeric argument instead of a string). Output is in text format, written to stdout:

viewer -q"select all where Millis < 1007067881373" -stext sample.xml

Display only the server and the product ID that meet the boolean expression. Since boolean operators are present, parentheses indicate the order of operator evaluation. Input is merged from three files: sample1.xml, sample2.xml, and sample3.xml:

java -DVIEWER_HOME="./" -DTRACE="DEBUG_MAX" com.tivoli.log.viewer.Cli
     -q"select server,ProductId where (messageid MATCH 'FRWEP00[10-45]')
           AND ((server = 'joe') OR (severity = 'ERROR'))"
     sample1.xml sample2.xml sample3.xml

Filter on the log attribute with the name FNG and the value 123:

viewer -q"select default where LogAttribs MATCH 'FNG=123'" sample.xml


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