IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Configure and start the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent using command line - HTTP Agent

Before terminating, the installer prompts you to invoke the itmcmd command with the config operand to configure this agent:

You may now configure any locally installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring product
via the "[ITM home]/bin/itmcmd config" command.

/opt/IBM/ITM is the default installation location. Change to the ITM directory's bin subdirectory, and invoke itmcmd:

./itmcmd config -A ht

...where ht is the 2-character product code for the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers.

For summary information about the invocation sequence for the configuration tool, enter the itmcmd command without parameters.

The configuration tool begins collecting configuration information specific to the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers. See Configuration parameters for ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers for details about parameter values.

Edit "ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers  " settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ]
 (default is: 1): 
Edit 'Basic' settings? (default is: Yes):

Press Enter at these prompts.

The configuration utility prompts you to update the agent basic data-collection parameters:

Monitoring Method [ 1=Fixed Interval, 2=On Demand ] (default is: 1): 
Fixed Interval between Collections (sec) (default is: 60): 
On Demand Maximum Sample Age (sec) (default is: 15): 
Ping the Web Sites [ 1=Disabled, 2=Enabled ] (default is: 1): 
Maximum Number of Agent's Log Events (default is: 100): 
Alternative Node ID for Identifying this Agent (default is: ): 

If you install more than one copy of the agent on a single host, set the Alternative Node ID parameter to different values for each of the copies. Otherwise, the multiple copies of the agent will not work correctly with Tivoli Monitoring.

When you have defined the basic Agent parameters, The configuration utility prompts you to edit Apache aliases.

For IBM HTTP Server, use Apache configuration.

Edit 'Apache Web Server Aliases' settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1): 

Select 1 if monitor Apache or IBM HTTP Servers; otherwise select 2.

If you have selected 1, you are prompted to configure Apache HTTP aliases:

No 'Apache Web Server Aliases' settings available.
Edit 'Apache Web Server Aliases' settings, [1=Add, 2=Edit,  3=Del, 4=Next, 5=Exit] (default is: 5): 1

Select 1 to configure a new Apache alias, and enter information for the alias:

Alias Name for Apache Web Server (default is: ): 
Web Server Configuration file path (default is: ): 
Path to the executable (default is: ): 
Arguments for the executable (default is: ): 
Then, you are prompted to add more aliases (1) or finish adding aliases (5).

Next, you are prompted to configure Sun Web Server aliases:

Edit 'Sun Web Server Aliases' settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ]
 (default is: 1): 

Select 1 if monitor Sun HTTP Servers; otherwise select 2.

If you have selected 1, you are prompted to configure Sun Web Server aliases:

No 'Sun Web Server Aliases' settings available.
Edit 'Sun Web Server Aliases' settings, [1=Add, 2=Edit,  3=Del, 4=Next, 5=Exit] (default is: 5):

Select 1 to configure a new Sun Web Server alias, and enter information for the alias:

Alias Name for Sun Web Server (default is: ):
Web Server Name (default is: ): 
Web Server MIB Index (default is: ): 
Then, you are prompted to add more aliases (1) or finish adding aliases (5).

In the next step, you are prompted for whether you want to edit the Sun Web Server conf parameters:

Edit 'Sun Web Server Conf' settings? (default is: Yes):

If you press Enter (or reply YES), you are prompted for the Sun Web Server Conf parameter values:

Server root (default is: C:\\Sun\\WebServer6.1):
SNMP host (default is: localhost):
SNMP port (default is: 161): 
SNMP community (default is: public):

The configuration tool next begins to configure the agent connection to a TEMS.

Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [YES or NO] (Default is: YES):

Accept the default (YES). The agent prompts for the location of the TEMS this agent is to communicate with:

TEMS Host Name (Default is: localhost):

If the TEMS resides on this node, press Enter to accept the default; otherwise supply the host name.

You are prompted for the network protocol used for your ITM environment:

Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe):

Specify the primary communications protocol for communication with the TEMS that will communicate with this agent: IP.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, or SNA.

You are prompted for your secondary network protocol. You can specify up to three communication methods; this enables backup communication methods so that, if protocol 1 fails, protocol 2 is used and then protocol 3.

Now choose the next protocol from one of these:
     - ip
     - sna
     - ip.spipe
     - 0 for none
Network Protocol 2 (Default is: none):
Next, you are prompted for communication details for the selected protocols. For example:
IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918): 
Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null): 

Finally, you are asked if you need to configure this agent for connection to a secondary (hot standby) TEMS:

Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [YES or NO] (Default is: NO):
Enter Optional Primary Network Name or "none" (Default is: none):

Press Enter for both prompts.

After you have completed all questions, the following text is displayed:

Agent configuration completed...

Parent topic:

Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent on UNIX and Linux


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