IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Performing a silent installation on Windows - HTTP Agent

The ITM installer supports a silent mode in which your predefined values are used to install the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers without the user interface. This option relies on an information file, silent.txt, provided on the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers installation CD, in which you specify necessary installation parameters. To perform a silent installation, perform the following steps:

  1. Locate the silent.txt file on the product installation CD, and copy this file to a work directory on your Windows node.

  2. Edit your copy of the silent.txt file, and change the parameters as appropriate for your environment and as described in this chapter. The silent.txt file includes all installation parameters and provides directions for updating them.

    You must complete all input records in this file. Each line of the file must be either a comment (containing a semi-colon in column one) or a meaningful statement that starts in column one.

    Do not modify any other files that come with the installation, for example: SETUP.ISS.

  3. After customizing this driver file, save your updates, and invoke the silent install using one of the following methods:

    1. Direct invocation:

      • Open a command prompt, and change to the directory that contains installation files setup.exe and setup.ins.

      • Invoke setup as follows. Specify the parameters in the order listed.
        start /wait setup /z"/sfC:\temp\SILENT.TXT" /s /f2"C:\temp\silent_setup.log"

        ...where /z"/sf" specifies the name and location of the installation driver that you customized for your site (in this example, file SILENT.TXT in the C:\temp directory). This is a required parameter. This file must exist.

        /s specifies that this is a silent install; if you specify this option, nothing is displayed during installation.

        /f2 specifies the name of the InstallShield log file. If you do not specify this parameter, the Setup.log file is created by default in the same location as setup.iss. This log is the InstallShield log but not the installation log. The installation log can be found in the installation target directory. The default directory is C:\IBM\Omegamon sub-directory, and if the installation aborts before the installation location has been identified, the directory is on the Windows Boot drive root directory. In either case, the Setup program must be able to create and write to this file.

    2. SMS invocation:

      1. Copy all the installation files to a LAN-based disk that SMS will mount on the designated servers.

      2. Replace the original SILENT.TXT file on the LAN disk with your modified version.

      3. Edit the PDF file located in the same place as the setup.exe file and change the Setup invocation as follows:
        Setup /z"/sfC:\temp\SILENT.TXT" /s /f2"C:\temp\silent_setup.log"

You can find complete information about silent ITM installation in IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Installation and Setup Guide.

Parent topic:

Install the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent on Windows


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