IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Windows 2003 Server: manually configuring the Managing Server to run as a service

The Managing Server on Windows 2003 Server must be configured to run as a service. The Managing Server installer will automatically perform this configuration. However, if the Managing Server was installed before version, or if the Windows service setup is lost for any reason, you can configure it manually.

To manually configure the Managing Server to run as a service:

  1. Install Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools from the following Web site:

  2. Create a service that starts the srvany.exe executable that belongs to Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools. srvany.exe enables any executable to be run as a Windows service. The following syntax is to be used for service creation:
     path\instsrv ServiceName path\srvany.exe

    The paths for instsrv and srvany.exe are to be fully qualified and be of 8.3 style. For example:

    C:\PROGRA~1\WINDOW~4\Tools\instsrv am_service 

  3. Configure the created service using regedit:

    1. Click Start, and then click Run.

    2. Enter regedit, and click OK.

    3. Add a new subkey named Parameters in the following registry location:
      For example:

    4. Right-click the newly created service name, select New, and then select Key.

    5. In the console pane, for the name of the new key, type Parameters.

    6. To specify the target application, right-click the Parameters subkey, select New, and then select String Value. Type the name of the new entry as Application.

    7. Right-click Application and then select Modify.

    8. In the Edit String window, in Value Data, type the full path to the application to be run (the Korn-shell start-up file because the Managing Server starts on Windows in a Korn-shell environment), including the full application name and extension. For example:

    9. Set the start parameters:

      1. Right-click the Parameters subkey, select New, and then select String Value.

      2. Type the name of the new entry as AppParameters.

      3. Right-click AppParameters and then select Modify.

      4. In the Edit String window, in Value Data, type the parameters for starting the Managing Server. For example:
        -l /dev/fs/C/PROGRA~1/ibm/itcam/WEBSPH~1/MS/bin/
        The easiest way to get data for filling in the string values is to click Start -> Programs -> ITCAMfWS then right-click and select Properties. The value for the field target contains a space-separated string. Something like:
        The first token is the Application (Korn-shell start-up file), and the next two tokens are AppParameters.

        When copying the tokens for AppParameters, the separating space must be left intact.

  4. The service properties must be set using the Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-in:

    1. Click Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.

    2. In the details pane, right-click the added service and then select Properties.

    3. In the General tab, ensure that Startup Type is set to Automatic.

    4. In the Log on tab, select This account and click Browse to choose the account under which the Managing Server has to be run.

    5. Enter the password.

      The account must have the privileges Log on as a service and Act as part of the Operating System.

    6. In the Recovery tab, First failure and Second failure can be set to Restart the service and Restart service after. Values can be increased if IBM DB2 services do not complete starting before they are accessed by the Managing Server.

  5. After configuration is completed, restart the Windows server.

If the Managing Server is started or stopped directly using the and commands, the Windows service will not correctly show the started/stopped status of the Managing Server.

Parent topic:

Customization for the Managing Server on Windows


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