IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Cleaning Prepared Uninstallation
If you have performed the uninstallation, you do not need to clean up the preparation. Do not perform this step.
If you decide to not uninstall after you already run -prepareUninstall then you can clean results of the ‘-prepareUninstall' command. In order to do that change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:
silentUpdate.bat –cleanPreparedIf your response file is named differently from the default, specify it as a parameter:
silentUpdate.bat -cleanPrepared my.propertiesA typical output of the -cleanPrepared command is:
>silentUpdate.bat -cleanPrepared Update installer version 7.1.0, build 20100417164534 Logging details into C:\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\MS\logs\update\update_20100420205747.log Action: cancel prepared Finished successfully
Parent topic:
Uninstall Updates