IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Silent installation and configuration for J2SE - J2EE Agent

J2SE silent install parameter definitions for Windows

Parameter Definition
LICENSE_ACCEPT_BUTTON License agreement. You must specify this parameter to begin the product installation. Default setting is true.
installLocation The location where you intend to install the product. The default location for installation is: C:\IBM\itcam\J2EE\DC
LAUNCH_CONFIG This parameter launches the Configuration Tool. Specifying this parameter begins the process of configuring the DC to the Managing Server after installation. The default setting is true.
LOGSETTING.LOGLEVEL The log level for the installation and configuration process. Possible values are: ALL / DEBUG_MAX / DEBUG_MID / INFO / WARN / ERROR / FATAL / OFF.
LOGSETTING.LOGCONSOLEOUT This parameter controls whether the output message is printed to console or not. Possible values are true / false.
DC Configuration
UNCONFIGURE_SERVERS Specify this parameter will cancel the configuration process after the installation is complete. The default setting is false.
J2EE_SELECTED ITCAM for J2EE's Application Monitor interface. Specifying this parameter will configure monitored data to be accessed through ITCAM for J2EE's Application Monitor interface. To use the Application Monitor interface, ITCAM for J2EE and its components must be fully installed. Default true.
TEMA_SELECTED ITCAM for J2EE Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Specifying this parameter will configure monitored data to be accessed using the portal. To use the portal interface, ITCAM for J2EE and its components must be fully installed. Default false.
SERVER_HOME J2SE directory location. Enter the root directory location in which J2SE is located
SERVER_VERSION J2SE version number. Enter the version number of J2SE that you are currently running
JAVA_HOME The location of the JDK. Enter the directory location of the JDK supporting J2SE
IS64UNIXJVM The flag for 64 bit model. The default value is false. If you are running a 64 bit OS using 64 bit JVM on a UNIX or Linux platform, change the parameter totrue. Ignore this parameter on Windows.
DC_OFFLINE_ALLOW This is for you to decide whether offline configuration is allowed. If you enter "true", the program will skip the verification of the connection to the Managing Server (MS) during configuration, and use the entered value of MS_AM_HOME; if you enter "false", the program will connect to MS and detect the MS home directory on MS server. The default value is false.
TEMA_OFFLINE_ALLOW The option indicates whether offline configuration type is allowed during the configuation. The program will skip the monitoring agent connection test if it is set to be true. Set it to false when you don't want to allow the offline configuration for the monitoring agent.
AM_SOCKET_BINDIP This is the DC side IP address or full qualified Host name. The IP or Host name will be used by DC to communicate with MS.If there are more then one NIC or multiple IP address configured on DC server, choose one of them. For example: -V AM_SOCKET_BINDIP= or -V or -V AM_SOCKET_BINDIP=<value>
FIREWALL_ENABLED For DC side if the firewall is enabled, set the value to be true; otherwise, set the value to be false.
PROBE_RMI_POR If the DC is behind firewall, set this port number.This port number should be configured as allowable in firewall software on which the DC host locates. The legal values are from "8200" to "8299".
PROBE_CONTROLLER_RMI_PORT If the DC is behind firewall, set this port number. This port number should be configured as allowable in firewall software on which the DC host locates. The legal values are from "8300" to "8399".
Manage-Server Specific Options
RECOLLECT_MSINFO Specify this parameter prompts the DC to recollect data from the Managing Server. Default true.
MS_AM_HOME The location of the Managing Server. Enter the directory location where the Managing Server was installed. This parameter correlates the DC_OFFLINE_ALLOW. Refer to DC_OFFLINE_ALLOW for more detailed information.
KERNEL_HOST01 Primary kernel server name. Enter full-qualified host name of the primary kernel server hosting the Managing Server.
PORT_KERNEL_CODEBASE01 Primary kernel codebase port. Default 9122.
Application Server Specific Options
J2SEMAINCLASS Class type. Enter the main class type.
J2SEJMXEMBEDED Embedded MBeans. Select yes if MBeans are embedded in the application. Select no if not.
J2SEJMXREMOTE If MBeans are embedded in your application, this parameter must be input. Select yes if the DC must be connected using remote client, otherwise select no
J2SEHOST Host name. Input the host name or IP address of the J2SE host in the event that the DC is connected using remote client.
J2SEPORT J2SE port number. Input the port number of the Managing Server's host server.
J2SEUSER User name. Optional Enter a user ID name to match your current security settings; otherwise, leave this blank.
J2SEPSWD Password. Optional Enter a password to match your current security settings; otherwise, leave this blank.
J2SEINST Instance names. Input the Managing Server instance names will be configured for data collection here.
J2SEGENERATENEW Generate new startup script. Select yes to generate a new startup script. Select no to use a preexisting one.
J2SESTARTSH Startup script directory. Input the startup script location here, if you selected no to the parameter: J2SEGENERATENEW . The startup script is the command or batch file with the necessary command lines capable of running the application server.
J2SEJVMMACRO JVM macro. Input the JVM macro name here, only if you selected no to the parameter: J2SEGENERATENEW.
J2SESAMPLEPATH Sample path. Input the directory location for the new startup script if you selected yes to the parameter: J2SEGENERATENEW.
J2SEJVMARG JVM argument. Insert your JVM argument name if you selected yes to the parameter: J2SEGENERATENEW. Multiple arguments must be separated by a blank ( ).
J2SEPROGARG Program argument. Input the program argument name. Multiple arguments must be separated by a blank ( ).

Parent topic:

Performing a silent installation and configuration


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