Change repository settings

You can open or close a repository, move a repository up or down, and test a connection.

Open and close a repository

Installation Manager searches open repositories but does not search closed repositories. A repository is open when a green check mark shows in the box to the left of the repository name. A closed repository shows an empty box to the left of the repository name.

Close a repository

  1. Find a repository in the Repositories table that has an empty box to the left of the repository name.
  2. Click the empty box. A green check mark displays indicating the repository is open.
  3. Click the box containing the green check mark. The green check mark disappears indicating the repository is closed.

Move a repository up and down

You must have more than one repository listed to see Move Up or Move Down.

Installation Manager uses repositories from the top of the Repositories table. If two repositories contain the same package, the repository listed higher is used. For example, you have a package available in two repositories. Repository A is accessible using a slow internet connection. Repository B is available on the local network. Move Repository B to a position above Repository A.

To move a repository up or down:

  1. Select the last repository that is listed in the Repositories table.
  2. Click Move Up.

    This example moves up the last repository listed. If you select the first repository, Move Down is available while Move Up is not available. If you select a repository that is neither the first or the last repository, both Move Up and Move Down are available.

Clear credentials

Clear Credentials is available when you have saved credentials. If you have not saved credentials, this option is not available.

To delete credentials:

  1. Click Clear Credentials.
  2. Click OK

Testing connections

To test a connection to repository:

  1. Check the box to the left of the repositories that you want to test.

  2. Click Test Connections.

    For repositories that you are connected to, you see a green box in the Connection column of the repository table. When a connection to a repository cannot be made, a message shows with information about the failed connection to the repository. Click Details to view additional details about the failed connection. For failed connections, a red box shows in the Connection column.


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