View log files
To view log files in IBM Installation Manager to troubleshoot installation issues...
- Click File > View Log.
- From the Log panel, select a log file. You can view log information in the Details section. The Message section includes the location of the log files. The log files are XML files.
- In the Installation Log window, you can use the following icons to work with the installation log that is selected:
: Export the selected log to a location that you specify.
: You can filter the contents of a selected log file to display log events of a particular severity. By default, Error, Warning, and Note are selected and Information is cleared. You can also filter by entering text into the "Show event which source contains" field. The severity must be selected for the events associated with the severity to be filtered.
The log filters do not search all of the XML tags in the log file.
: Open the selected log file with the default web browser to view the information that is contained in the log file.