Install Installation Manager and a package with UNC paths on Windows

We can install IBM Installation Manager and a package using UNC (Uniform Naming Convention) paths. When we run your script with a UNC path, we must specify relative paths to the Installation Manager and package repositories in the response file.


  1. Copy your Installation Manager installation kit and product installation files into a shared directory. Example:

  2. Create a response_file folder in the shared directory. Example:
  3. Save your response file in the response_file folder.

  4. Open the response file with a text editor.
  5. Edit the repository locations for the product and Installation Manager to locations relative to the response file. Example:
    <repository location="product_v.7.1.1\disk1"/>
    <repository location="agent.installer.platform_1.7"/>

  6. Create a batch file. When we enter the response file, specify a relative path relative to the Installation Manager installer. Example:
    pushd "\\network_machine\installation_files\agent.installer.platform_1.7"
    	input "..\response_file\response_file.xml" -acceptLicense

What to do next

Run the batch file to install Installation Manager and the product.