Install or update Installation Manager silently using the installer

Use the Installation Manager installer's silent command to:

Review Install as an administrator, nonadministrator, or group. Determine whether to specify an installation folder or use the default installation folder.

To install Installation Manager:

  1. Download the installation kit: agent.installer.platform

  2. Create a directory to store the installation kit.

  3. Extract the installation kit to the directory that we created.

    If we use the jar command to extract the installation files, set file permissions for the extracted files:

      chmod -R 755 /usr/lpp/InstallationManager/V1R4

  4. Open a command line and go to the directory.

  5. View the license text for Installation Manager from the directory:


  6. In a command line, run one of these commands:

      Administrator ./installc -log log_file -acceptLicense
      User ./userinstc -log log_file -acceptLicense
      Group ./groupinstc -dataLocation application_data_location -log log_file -acceptLicense

Use arguments to customize the installation or upgrade

We can use arguments to customize the installation or upgrade. Consider these examples:

When there is an existing Installation Manager installation of the same mode, the software detects the installation location and updates the appropriate instance of Installation Manager. If the software detects any non-default installation and agent data locations, we specify a location during the update process. Consider these examples:

Operating system Mode Actions
Windows nonadministrator If the existing installation uses a non-default installation location and a non-default agent data location, run this command: userinst.exe -acceptLicense -dL existing agentdata location -sP

When we use the -sP option, the software shows the progress of the update.

Linux administrator If the existing installation uses a non-default installation location and a default agent data location, run this command: ./installc -acceptLicense

Installation Manager locates the existing Installation Manager installation location and updates it.

What to do next

After we install Installation Manager silently, we can use Installation Manager to install packages silently.

Optional: View the license text from the Installation Manager directory:

Related reference

  • Installation Manager command-line arguments for silent mode