Command-line arguments for the pucl command
Use this reference table to learn more about the IBM Packaging Utility command line, pucl.Command-line arguments consist of commands and options. We can use commands without specifying an option, but we must specify a command when we use an option. Options start with a hyphen.
We must run the pucl commands from the Packaging Utility directory:install_dir/IBM/PackagingUtility
Specifying a package
To specify a package with a command, use one of these options:
- Use packageID to specify the latest version of the package or fix.
- Use packageID_version to work with a specific version of the package or fix.
Commands Description copy packageID_versionCopy packages or fixes from one or more source repositories into a target repository.
Source repositories can be listed with the copy command using at least one of these options:The target repository must be specified using the -target option. Use the copy command with these options:
- -connectPassportAdvantage
- -repositories
- -useServiceRepository
- -acceptLicense
- -connectPassportAdvantage
- -keyring (Deprecated)
- -masterPasswordFile (-secureStorageFile)
- -password: (Deprecated).
- -platform
- -preferences
- -preview
- -prompt
- -repositories
- -secureStorageFile
- -target
- -useServiceRepository
Copy to remote HTTP and FTP repositories is not supported. We cannot use HTTP or FTP repositories as target repositories.
delete packageID_versionRemove a package or a fix from a repository.
The target repository must be specified using the -target option.
Use the delete command with these options:
- -preview
- -target
Delete from remote HTTP and FTP repositories is not supported. We cannot use HTTP or FTP repositories as target repositories.
help, -help, -h, ?, -? help command help allRun the help command to view the available commands for Packaging Utility. When we use the help command with another command, a short description of the command is shown. When the help command is used with all, descriptions for all commands are shown.
listAvailableFixes packageID_versionReturn a list of fixes in a specified repository. For more information about viewing available fixes, see List available fixes using pucl commands.
Use the listAvailableFixes command with these options:
- -connectPassportAdvantage
- -keyring: This option is deprecated.
- -masterPasswordFile: Use with the -secureStorageFile option.
- -password: This option is deprecated.
- -long
- -preferences
- -prompt
- -repositories
- -secureStorageFile
- -showPlatforms
- -useServiceRepository
listAvailablePackagesReturn a list of packages from a specified repository. For more information about listing available packages, see List available packages using pucl commands.
Use the listAvailablePackages command with these options:
- -connectPassportAdvantage
- -features
- -keyring: This option is deprecated.
- -masterPasswordFile: Use with the -secureStorageFile option.
- -password: This option is deprecated.
- -long
- -preferences
- -prompt
- -repositories
- -secureStorageFile
- -showPlatforms
- -useServiceRepository
Options Description -acceptLicenseIndicate acceptance of the license agreement. If the package that you copy requires confirmation of a license agreement, we must include this option with your command.
Use the -acceptLicense option with the copy command.
-connectPassportAdvantageUse this option when you copy a package from IBM Passport Advantage or search for updates to packages that are obtained from Passport Advantage.Use the -connectPassportAdvantage option with these commands: -featuresInclude information about features in the list of packages. Use the -features option with this command: -keyring keyring_file [ -password password ]The -keyring and -password options that are used to store credentials to a key ring file are deprecated. Use the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options to store credentials to a credential file. For more information, see Migrate from key ring files to storage files. Create a key ring file that contains encrypted user names and passwords for copying from protected repositories. The -password password argument is optional.
Use the -keyring option with these commands: -longInclude information about the repository paths, the package IDs and versions, the display names and versions, and the feature IDs.Use the -long option with these commands: -nl valueSpecify the language to use. When you include the -nl option and a language code with a pucl command, the behavior of the command line adjusts according to the settings for the specified language. This example shows the option and the language value: -nl es
We can access a list of language codes at the Library of Congress site Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages. Installation Manager supports only some of the languages that are listed. Of those languages, Installation Manager uses the ISO 639-1 Code, which uses the two-letter codes and not the ISO 639-2 Code, which uses the three-letter codes.
Some languages support only partial translations. When a language is partially translated, the non-translated content is presented in English.Packaging Utility supports the same languages that are supported for Installation Manager. For a list of supported languages, see Start Packaging Utility in wizard mode. For a list of languages that a package supports, see the documentation for that package.
-platform os=os|arch=arch|os=os,arch=archSpecify the platform when this option is used with the copy command. When you specify the platform, only the files that are required for the platform are copied. You must use the repository that is created with the -platform option for the operating system or architecture that you specified.
If we use the repository on a different operating system or architecture, you receive an error.
Restriction: We can use the -platform option only one time for each copy command. We can specify only one value for the -platform option. To copy files for multiple platforms, we must run the copy command for each platform.Use the os attribute to specify the operating system and use the arch attribute to specify the architecture. Not all products support all os and arch values.
Use the -platform option with this command:
os Value arch Values aix ppc ppc64
hpux ia64 ia64_32
linux ppc ppc64
macosx x86 x86_64
os400 ppc ppc64
solaris sparc sparc64
win32 x86 x86_64
zos s390 s390x
- copy
-preferences name_1=value_1 [,name_2=value_2...]Specify a preference value or a comma-delimited list of preference values to use.Use the -preferences option with these commands: For a list of preferences that are available in Packaging Utility, see Preference keys for the pucl command.
-previewSee the result of running the copy or delete commands without running the commands.Use the -preview option with these commands:
- copy
- delete
-promptInclude the -prompt option when we must enter credentials to access a server or prompt a user to insert a disk. Use the -prompt option with these commands: We cannot use the -prompt option to set nonsecure mode. Instead, set the preference to true.
-secureStorageFile storage_file -masterPasswordFile master_password_fileUse these options to store credentials for repository authentication. The -secureStorageFile option specifies the file and path to the storage file.
The -masterPasswordFile option specifies the file and path to the master password file. The master password file is a text file that contains a passphrase and used to encrypt sensitive contents in the storage file.
-repositories source_repository_1 [,source_repository_2...]Indicate the location that contains the installation files for the available packages or fixes. Use the -repositories option with these commands: We can include a list of repositories by separating each repository with a comma.
We can use a file path or a URL for the -repositories value.
-showPlatformsLists the operating system and architecture values that a package supports.Use the -showPlatforms option with these commands: The -showPlatforms option returns information about the operating system, os, and the architecture, arch. For fixes, if the fix supports the same platforms as the package that the fix applies to, the SAME_AS_PACKAGE keyword shows instead of an os.arch value. For information about the os and arch values that these options return, see Values for cic.selector.key keys.
Check the package documentation to determine the supported operating systems and architectures for that package.
-showProgress, -sPShow a progress bar on the console. -showVerboseProgress, -sVPShow progress text on the console. -target target_repositoryIndicate the target or destination repository to copy to or delete from. Copy to or deleting from remote HTTP and FTP repositories is not supported. We cannot use HTTP or FTP repositories as target repositories.
Use the -target option with these commands:
- copy
- delete
-useServiceRepositorySearch service repositories for updates. You must use the -repositories option when using the -useServiceRepository option. This option searches for updates for base offerings that are available in the repositories that are listed by the -repositories option.
If no package is specified, all the versions of the package in the repository are searched for updates.
Use the -useServiceRepository option with these commands:For more information about service repositories, see Search for updates in wizard mode.