Uninstall Packaging Utility
Follow these steps to remove Packaging Utility from our computer using IBM Installation Manager.Close Packaging Utility before starting the uninstalling process.
Only an installed version of Packaging Utility can be uninstalled.
If we use the stand-alone version of Packaging Utility, we do not have to uninstall Packaging Utility. The stand-alone version of Packaging Utility is not installed.
To uninstall Packaging Utility:
- Start Installation Manager.
- In the Installation Manager main page, click Uninstall.
- In the Uninstall wizard, select Packaging Utility.
- Click Next.
- On the Summary page, review your selection. Click Back to change a selection.
If we are satisfied with your choices, click Uninstall.
- When the process finishes, the Complete page opens and confirms the uninstallation process.
Packaging Utility is uninstalled from our computer.