Install Installation Manager using wizard mode
Use wizard mode to install Installation Manager.We can install as an administrator, a nonadministrator, or a group. See Install as an administrator, nonadministrator, or group. Remember: Some platforms do not support the graphical user interface (GUI) for Installation Manager. See the System Requirements technical document.
For IBM i, see Install Installation Manager on IBM i.
For ZOS see Install Installation Manager on z/OS.
Related tasks:
- Download Installation Manager installation kit.
Go to the Installation Manager downloads technical document and click the applicable download document link. The download document contains details about downloading the installation files.
- Create a directory to store your installation kit.
- Extract the files to the directory.
- Open a command line and go to the directory we created.
- In a command line, run one of the following commands:
On the OS X, we might be prompted to enter our credentials to install Installation Manager with administrator privileges. Also, we can run ./install or ./userinst with the -dataLocation directory argument to install Installation Manager using a non-default agentData directory. For example, for Linux: ./install -dL /IMagentData. For more information, see Agent data location and Sensitive data.
Operating system Administrator Nonadministrator Group Windows install userinst Not available. Linux, UNIX, and OS X ./install ./userinst ./groupinst - Installation Manager is selected on the Install Packages page. Click Next.
- On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the selected packages. After you accept the license agreement, click Next to continue.
- On the Location page, edit the Installation Manager directory to change the default directory. Click Next.
- On the Summary page, review your choices before we install Installation Manager.
- Click Install. When the installation process completes, you receive a confirmation message.
Update Installation Manager using wizard mode Uninstall Installation Manager using wizard mode Related information:
Installation Manager downloads
Install Installation Manager using console mode
Install Installation Manager silently using the installer