Enable floating licenses

If the team environment supports floating licenses, we can enable floating licenses for our product with a permanent license key. Before enabling floating licenses, obtain the license server connection information. Not all IBM products use IBM Installation Manager to manage licenses. We configure a connection to one or more license servers to obtain access to floating license keys installed on a license server.


To enable floating licenses as the license type for specified packages:

  1. In the Installation Manager, click File > Open > Manage Licenses.

  2. Select a version of a package. Click Configure Floating license support. If this option is not enabled, our product does not support floating licenses. See the product information for details about licenses.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Click Enable Floating license enforcement.

  5. Configure one or more license server connections.

    1. Click an empty field in the Servers table or click Add.
    2. If wer administrator provided you with information for a redundant server environment, click Redundant Server. Fields for the primary, secondary, and tertiary server names and ports are shown.

    3. Enter the host name of the license server in the Name field.

    4. Enter a value in the Port field for environments where a firewall is used. Do not assign a value to this port unless your administrator instructs you to do so.

    5. For redundant server environments, enter the names and ports (as required) for the secondary and tertiary servers.

    6. We can click Test Connection to confirm that the connection information is correct and that the server is available.

    7. Click OK.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Optional: Configure the license usage order for your shell shared or custom packages. The order of packages in the list determines the order that the components in your installed packages attempt to obtain access to license keys. The license keys are from the pool of available floating license keys.

  8. Click Finish.


The Manage Licenses wizard indicates that the floating licenses are configured.

What to do next

When you open the enabled product, a connection is created to the license server. The connection is used to obtain a license key from the pool of available floating license keys.