Installation Manager features

Some Installation Manager features might or might not be supported by packages. Check the package documentation to determine whether a feature is supported.

Feature Information about the feature Comment
Administrator mode Administrator, nonadministrator, and group mode A package must be installed by an administrator.
Nonadministrator mode A package can be installed in nonadministrator mode. None
Group mode A package can be installed in group mode. None
Console Mode Work in console mode None
Installation Manager web server Work from a web browser None
IBM Fix Central Entitlement Support IBM Fix Central Fixes for some packages require entitlement.
Import Import existing installed packages in Installation Manager The Import wizard is used only with IBM WebSphere Application Server products.
Installation Manager installer Use Installation Manager or the installer to install packages None
Install a package to a directory that contain files Installation Manager generates an error when we install a package to an installation directory that contains files. For some packages, we can specify an installation directory that is not empty. For some packages, we can update a package that was not installed with Installation Manager. For example, we install Package A version 1.0 with a different installation application. You update Package A to version 2.0 using Installation Manager.

Install an IBM package into multiple locations We can install different versions of a package to different directories. For example, we install version 1.0.0 of Package A to a directory. Then, we install version 1.0.1 of Package A to a different directory.
Install multiple IBM packages into multiple locations Install multiple packages into multiple locations None
Languages Start Installation Manager in another language When a package does not support a language that Installation Manager supports, we might see a combination of English and another language. The mix of languages can occur in messages and in the Installation Manager interfaces. A package might support a subset of languages that Installation Manager supports. For unsupported languages, the content is presented in English. Most packages provide a list of languages to install during the installation process.
Manage License wizard Manage licenses
Import a product activation kit

We can use this wizard to configure an IBM Rational License Key Server or import an activation kit.
IBM Passport Advantage integration Install packages from Passport Advantage None
Platforms that are supported System Requirements technical document None
Rollback Roll back updates using wizard mode Use Installation Manager to remove an update to a package and revert to a previous version.
Sensitive data Sensitive data Sensitive data is determined by the package.
Service repositories Search service repositories Service repositories are on and contain package updates.
Service repositories available on IBM Fix Central IBM Fix Central Some packages provide the content of their service repositories on IBM Fix Central.
Share a package group with other packages Package groups and the shared resources directory A package might share a package group with a subset of other IBM packages.
skipinstall Record a response file with Installation Manager
Installation Manager command-line arguments for silent mode
Simulate Installation Manager operations without changing your system. A package can have special coding that is required to record a response file using -skipinstall. For example, if not all of the custom panel data is required, we can use -skipinstall to avoid validating that data. Although most packages support -skipinstall, test it for the package. Then, in the product-specific copy of the table, specify whether the package supports -skipinstall.
Stop all blocking processes Wizard mode: Stop All Blocking Processes button
imcl command: -stopBlockingProcesses option
This option is available only for Windows. In wizard mode, if processes are blocking the installation, a list of these processes is shown on the summary page. If there are no blocking processes, we do not see this list.
