Key Management Utility command-line interface (gskcmd) syntax

This topic contains a description of the syntax that you can use with the gskcmd command.


For more information, see Use the gskcapicmd command.

The syntax follows.

gskcmd <object> <action> [options]


  • The object includes one of the following:

    • -keydb: Actions taken on the key database (either a CMS key database file, a WebDB key ring file, or SSLight class)

    • -cert: Actions taken on a certificate

    • -certreq: Actions taken on a certificate request

    • -version: Displays version information for gskcmd

    • -help: Displays help for the gskcmd invocations

The action represents the specific action to take on the object, and options represents the options, both required and optional, specified for the object and action pair.

The object and action keywords are positional and you must specify them in the selected order. However, options are not positional and we can specify them in any order, as an option and operand pair.

Table 1. Actions for gskcmd command objects. The table describes each action possible on a specified object that we can use with the gskcmd command.
Object Actions Description
-keydb -changepw Change the password for a key database
  -convert Convert a key database from one format to another
  -create Create a key database
  -delete Delete the key database
  -stashpw Stash the password of a key database into a file
-cert -add Add a CA certificate from a file into a key database
  -create Create a self-signed certificate
  -delete Delete a CA certificate
  -export Export a personal certificate and its associated private key from a key database into a PKCS#12 file, or to another key database
  -extract Extract a certificate from a key database
  -getdefault Get the default personal certificate
  -import Import a certificate from a key database or PKCS#12 file
  -list List all certificates
  -modify Modify a certificate. (Currently the only field we can modify is the Certificate trust field)
  -receive Receive a certificate from a file into a key database
  -setdefault Set the default personal certificate
  -sign Sign a certificate stored in a file with a certificate stored in a key database and store the resulting signed certificate in a file
-certreq -create Create a certificate request
  -delete Delete a certificate request from a certificate request database
  -details List the detailed information of a specific certificate request
  -extract Extract a certificate request from a certificate request database into a file
  -list List all certificate requests in the certificate request database
  -recreate Recreate a certificate request
-help   Display help information for the gskcmd command
-version   Display gskcmd version information
The following table describes the options that we can use with the gskcmd command.

Option Description
-db Fully qualified path name of a key database
-default_cert Sets a certificate to use as the default certificate for client authentication (yes or no). Default is no.
-dn X.500 distinguished name. Input as a quoted string of the following format (only CN, O, and C are required): CN=Jane Doe,O=IBM,OU=Java Development,L=Endicott, ST=NY,ZIP=13760,C=country
encryption Strength of encryption used in certificate export command (strong or weak). Default is strong.
-expire Expiration time of either a certificate or a database password (in days).
-file File name of a certificate or certificate request (depending on specified object).
-format Format of a certificate (either ASCII for Base64_encoded ASCII or binary for Binary DER data). Default is ASCII.
-label Label attached to a certificate or certificate request
-new_format New format of key database
-new_pw New database password
-old_format Old format of key database
-pw Password for the key database or PKCS#12 file. See Create a new key database.
-stashed The password for the key database will be recovered from the stash file.
-size Key size (512, 1024, or 2048). Default is 1024. The 2048 key size is available if you are using Global Security Kit (GSKit) Version and later.
-stash Indicator to stash the key database password to a file. If specified, the password will be stashed in a file.
-target Destination file or database
-target_pw Password for the key database if -target specifies a key database. See Create a new key database.
-target_type Type of database specified by -target operand (see -type)
-trust Trust status of a CA certificate (enable or disable). Default is enable.
-type Type of database. Allowable values are cms (indicates a CMS key database) or pkcs12 (indicates a PKCS#12 file).
-x509version Version of X.509 certificate to create (1, 2 or 3). Default is 3.

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