Certificate expiration dates

We can display expiration dates of certificates in your key database by viewing the certificate information with the IKEYMAN Key Management utility GUI or using the gskcmd command.

The following is an example of how to use the gskcmd command to display the validity dates on all certificates in the key.kdb certificate key file that will expire within 1825 days (5 years):
<ihsinst>/bin/gskcmd  -cert -list all -expiry 1825 -db key.kdb -pw <password>

Certificates in database: key.kdb
VeriSign Class 1 CA Individual Subscriber-Persona Not Validated       
Not Before: Mon May 11 20:00:00 EDT 1998       
Not After: Mon May 12 19:59:59 EDT 2008 

where <password> is the password you specified when creating the key.kdb key database file.