IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Siebel Business Applications > Overview of WebSphere Adapter for Siebel Business Applications > Technical overview > Outbound processing
Outbound operations
Application components must invoke operations such as data retrieval from a database. An operation is the action that an adapter can perform on the database during the outbound processing. The name of the operation indicates the type of action that the adapter performs, such as Create or Delete.
WebSphere Adapter for Siebel Business Applications supports the following operations during outbound processing.
- ApplyChanges operation
The ApplyChanges operation updates the business object according to the operation that was performed on it (Create, Delete, or Update). ApplyChanges provides both delta and after-image support for modifying (creating, updating, or deleting) a business object. An after-image business object contains the complete state of the business object after all the required changes have been made to it. A delta business object contains only the key values and the data to be changed. Delta business objects are used only in the operations that update the business objects.- Create operation
The Create operation creates the corresponding Siebel business component hierarchy in the Siebel application.- Delete operation
The Delete operation deletes the top-level business object and its child objects.- Exists operation
The Exists operation looks for a specified business component instance in the Siebel application.- Retrieve operation
The Retrieve operation retrieves the Siebel business component that corresponds to the specified key in the incoming business object.- RetrieveAll operation
The adapter uses the RetrieveAll operation to retrieve multiple instances of the same business object.
- Update operation
The adapter uses the Update operation to compare the business component hierarchy retrieved from Siebel with the incoming top-level business object hierarchy.