IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > PeopleSoft Enterprise > Reference > Business object information

Application-specific information

Application-specific information (ASI) is the metadata that specifies how to process business objects for WebSphere Adapter for PeopleSoft Enterprise.

When the external service wizard generates a business object, it automatically generates a business object definition, which is saved as an XSD (XML Schema Definition) file. The business object definition contains the application-specific information for that business object. If you want to change the generated ASI, you can modify the metadata values either from the Properties tab in the Business Integration perspective of IBM Integration Designer or by using the business object editor.

The adapter for PeopleSoft Enterprise uses application-specific information (ASI) to create queries for create, retrieve, update, and delete operations.

Metadata at the business-object-level

Metadata at the Business-object-level defines the top-level wrapper of the business object. The following table describes the elements of business-object metadata.

Metadata for business objects
Metadata element Description
ObjectName The corresponding object in the PeopleSoft application; in other words, the component interface name as defined in PeopleTools. Set this object for the top-level business object only.
GetCurrentItem When set to true at the business object level for both the parent and child business objects and the KeepRelations property is set to true for the element of type of child business object and EffectiveDate set to true for element called 'EFFDT' in child business object, only effective-dated items are retrieved during an operation.
IgnoreEffectiveSequence When set to true, the effective sequence number is ignored and the record is inserted either at the lowest index, which has the current effective date or at the highest index, which has the oldest effective date. If you set this parameter, you must also set either InsAtCurrentEffDtPos or InsAtOldestEffDtPos. This parameter is used only for the effective dated items.
InsAtOldestEffDtPos When set to true and an incorrect index (negative number) is returned by the PeopleTools API, getEffectiveItemNum(), the adapter inserts the row at the highest index, which has the oldest effective date. If you set this parameter, do not set InsAtCurrentEffDtPos. In this case, set EffectiveDate to true for 'EFFDT' element in the child BO, set InteractiveMode, GetHistoryItems, and EditHistoryItems flag to true, set KeepRelations to true for child business object.
InsAtCurrentEffDtPos When set to true for both parent and child business objects, EffectiveDate is set to true for 'EFFDT' element in the child business object, InteractiveMode, GetHistoryItems and EditHistoryItems is set to true and KeepRelations is set to true for child business object and an incorrect index (negative number) is returned by the PeopleTools API, getEffectiveItemNum(), the adapter inserts the row at the lowest index (zero), which has the current effective date. If you set this parameter, do not set InsAtOldestEffDtPos.
StatusColumnName A property used to perform deletion of the business objects. Set this property for the top-level business object only.
StatusValue Identifies a business object that is inactive or that is deleted. Set this property for the top-level business object only.

Metadata at the property-level

Metadata at the property level defines the property of a business object. The property can be a simple string type, or it can be a complex property type that represents child objects or an array of child objects. The following table describes the metadata elements of a complex property (a child) or a structure or table property (an array of child objects).

Metadata for Property
Metadata element Description
PrimaryKey GetKey/CreateKey attribute in the component interface or a key in the child collection.
findKey FindKey attribute in the component interface.
EffectiveDate EffectiveDate attribute in the component interface.
EffectiveSequence EffectiveSequence attribute in the component interface.
KeepRelations Affects the processing of child objects when the adapter performs an update operation. If this parameter is enabled and the adapter finds a missing child object of a parent during the operation, the child object is not deleted and the relationship between the objects is preserved.
UID Determines whether the adapter sets values for key attributes within the business object or not. When this value is set to true, the adapter does not set values for these keys but allows PeopleCode to automatically generate values for the keys.
Getter The name of the get method used to read values for the property.
Setter The name of the set method used to set values for the property.
FindKeyNotTopLevel Indicates if the findKey is a level 0 property. When this property is set to true, the findkey is not in level 0 in the EIS. The default value is false which, indicates that the property is in level 0. This ASI is used by the adapter to set the EIS value during the Create or Update operation for the top-level BO. If this value is set to true, then the adapter will not set the EIS value in top-level BO.

This ASI value is set automatically by the adapter.

Business object information

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Supported operations