IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > PeopleSoft Enterprise > Reference > Inbound configuration properties

Activation specification properties

Activation specification properties hold the inbound event processing configuration information for an export. You set activation specification properties either through the external service wizard or the administrative console.

The following table lists the activation specification properties for inbound communication. A more detailed description of each property is provided in the sections that follow the table. For information about how to read the property detail tables in the sections that follow, see Guide to information about properties.

Activation specification properties
Descriptive name Property name Purpose
Adapter Instance for event filtering AdapterInstanceEvent
Identifier that determines whether this adapter instance processes specific events in the event store.
Ensure once-only event delivery


Specifies whether the adapter provides assured once delivery of events.

Do not process events that have a timestamp in the future


Specifies whether the adapter filters out future events by comparing the timestamp on each event with the system time.

Component interface for testing failed connection PingCompIntfc Specifies the component interface the adapter uses to validate a connection to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server
Component interface name for event notification EventCIName Specifies the component interface the adapter uses for event notification
Delivery type


Determines the order in which events are delivered by the adapter to the export.

Delimiter for keys in the event store EventKeyDelimiter Specifies the name and value for an object key in the event table
Event types to process


A delimited list of event types that indicates to the adapter which events it should deliver. The adapter supports event filtering based on operations, in addition to the BO Name.

Java™ date format for event timestamp DateFormat Specifies the format used to create the event timestamp
Maximum connections


The maximum number of connections that the adapter can use for inbound event delivery.

Minimum connections


The minimum number of connections that the adapter can use for inbound event delivery.

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure


The number of times the adapter tries to reestablish an inbound connection after an error.

Interval between polling periods


The length of time that the adapter waits between polling periods.

Poll quantity


The number of events the adapter delivers to the export during each poll period.

Retry EIS connection on startup RetryConnectionOnStartup

Controls whether the adapter retries the connection to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server if it cannot connect at startup.

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds)


The length of time that the adapter waits between attempts to reestablish connection after an error during inbound operations.

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling


Specifies whether the adapter stops polling for events when it encounters an error during polling.

Adapter Instance for event filtering (AdapterInstanceEvent

This property controls whether the adapter instance processes specific events in the event store.

Adapter Instance for event filtering details
Required No
Default null
Property type String
Usage This property helps you migrate from WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for PeopleSoft to WebSphere Adapter for PeopleSoft Enterprise. WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for PeopleSoft allows you to perform load balancing on high-volume event types by allowing multiple adapter instances to process events of the same type. When load balancing is not required, a single adapter instance processes all events of a given type. This property is to enable seamless migration for WBIA customers to JCA for customers who are currently taking advantage of the connectorID filtering.

WebSphere Adapter for PeopleSoft Enterprise typically does not require load balancing in this way, but supports it so that you can migrate without modifying the database triggers or other mechanisms that write events to the event store.

The AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter property corresponds to the ConnectorID property of the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for PeopleSoft.

To use this feature, the PeopleCode that create events in the event store must assign the appropriate value to the IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column.

Table 3.shows the interaction between the AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter property and the value in the IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column in the event store.

If the EventTypeFilter and AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter properties are both set, the adapter processes only events that meet both criteria. That is, it processes only those events whose type is specified in the EventTypeFilter property and whose IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column matches the AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter property.

Example See Table 3.
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported Yes

Interaction of the AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter property with the IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column in the event store
Filter property
IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column of an event Result
null null The adapter processes the event.
null Instance1 The adapter processes the event, because the IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column is not checked.
Instance1 Instance1 The adapter processes the event.
Instance1 Instance2 The adapter does not process the event, because the instance IDs do not match.
Instance1 null The adapter does not process the event, because the instance IDs do not match.

Ensure once-only event delivery (AssuredOnceDelivery)

This property specifies whether to provide ensure once-only event delivery for inbound events.

Ensure once-only event delivery details
Required Yes
Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean
Usage When this property is set to True, the adapter provides assured once event delivery. This means that each event is delivered once and only once. A value of False does not provide assured once event delivery, but provides better performance.

When this property is set to True, the adapter attempts to store transaction (XID) information in the event store. If it is set to False, the adapter does not attempt to store the information.

This property is used only if the export component is transactional. If it is not, no transaction can be used, regardless of the value of this property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Component interface for testing failed connection (PingCompInterface)

This property specifies the name of the PeopleSoft Enterprise component interface that the adapter uses to validate a connection to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server.

Component interface for testing failed connection details
Row Explanation
Required Yes
Default The name of the first component interface in the list.
Property type String
Usage The name of the component interface that the adapter uses to test connectivity to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server. Specify a component interface name that exists within your PeopleSoft Enterprise applications.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Component interface name for event notification (EventCIName)

This property specifies the name of the PeopleSoft Enterprise component interface that the adapter uses for inbound processing.

Component interface name for event notification details
Row Explanation
Required Yes
Property type String
Usage The name of the component interface that the adapter uses for inbound processing. To use inbound processing, create a component interface specifically for event notification within PeopleSoft Enterprise.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Delivery type (DeliveryType)

This property specifies the order in which events are delivered by the adapter to the export.

Delivery type details
Required No
Possible values


Property type String
Usage The following values are supported:

  • ORDERED: The adapter delivers events to the export one at a time.
  • UNORDERED: The adapter delivers all events to the export at once.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Delimiter for keys in the event store (EventKeyDelimiter)

This property specifies the delimiter for the object key name-value pair in the event table.

Delimiter for keys in the event store details
Row Explanation
Required No
Default =:
Property type String
Usage This property allows you to specify an object name and value to be used as an object key in the event store.
Example CustomerID=2001
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Do not process events that have a timestamp in the future (FilterFutureEvents)

This property specifies whether the adapter filters out future events by comparing the timestamp on each event with the system time.

Do not process events that have a timestamp in the future details
Required Yes
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

If set to True, the adapter compares the time of each event to the system time. If the event time is later than the system time, the event is not delivered.

If set to False, the adapter delivers all events.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Event types to process (EventTypeFilter)

This property contains a delimited list of event types that indicates to the adapter which events it should deliver.

Event types to process details
Required No
Possible values

A comma-delimited (,) list of business object types and operations.

Default null
Property type String
Usage Events are filtered by business object type and operations.

If the property is set, the adapter delivers only those events that are in the list. A value of null or * indicates that no filter will be applied and that all events will be delivered to the export.

When the default operation set (Create/Update/Delete) is not preferred, the adapter will provide an operation-based event polling capability.

For example:

If you select Create|Update operation, the adapter will poll only those events with Create or Update operation for all the BOs. The default string generated for eventTypeFilter is *: Create|Update.

Syntax: BOName:Operation1|Operation2, BOName:Operation1|Operation2|Operation3

  • "," is used for separating the business objects. The objects that are not in this list are ignored.
  • ":" is used for separating the business object name and the operation name.
  • "|" is used for separating the supported operations, such as Create, Delete, and Update.


  • To receive events related to the Customer and Order business objects regardless of operations, specify this value: Customer,Order or specify this value for all supported operations: Customer:Create|Update|Delete,Order:Create|Update|Delete.

  • To receive all events of the Customer business object and the Create and Delete events of the Order business object, specify this value: Customer,Order:Create|Delete

  • To receive the Create and Delete events of all the business objects, specify this value: *:Create|Delete.

In this property, you can use only those operations that are chosen while selecting business objects and services.

If the EventTypeFilter and AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter properties are both set, the adapter processes only events that meet both criteria. That is, it processes only those events whose type is specified in the EventTypeFilter property and whose IBM_CONNECTOR_ID column matches the AdapterInstanceEvent
Filter property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Retry limit for failed events (FailedEventRetryLimit)

This property specifies the number of times that the adapter attempts to redeliver an event before marking the event as failed.

Retry limit for failed events details
Required No
Possible values Integers
Default 5
Property type Integer
Usage Use this property to control how many times the adapter tries to send an event before marking it as failed. It accepts the following values:


If this property is not set, the adapter tries five additional times before marking the event as failed.


The adapter tries to deliver the event an infinite number of times. When the property is set to 0, the event remains in the event store and the event is never marked as failed.

> 0

For integers greater than zero, the adapter retries the specified number of times before marking the event as failed.

< 0

For negative integers, the adapter does not retry failed events.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Java date format for event timestamp (DateFormat)

This property specifies the format that is used for the event timestamp.

Java date format for event timestamp details
Row Explanation
Required Yes
Default MM/dd/yy
Property type String
Usage This property is used to format the date values obtained from the PeopleSoft Enterprise server.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum connections (MaximumConnections)

This property specifies the maximum number of connections that the adapter can use for inbound event delivery.

Maximum connections details
Required No
Default 1
Property type Integer
Usage Only positive values are valid. Any value less than 1 is treated as 1 by the adapter.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Minimum connections (MinimumConnections)

This property specifies the minimum number of connections that the adapter can use for inbound event delivery.

Minimum connections details
Required No
Default 1
Property type Integer
Usage Only positive values are valid. Any value less than 1 is treated as 1 by the adapter.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Interval between polling periods (PollPeriod)

This property specifies the length of time that the adapter waits between polling periods.

Interval between polling periods details
Required Yes
Possible values Integers greater than or equal to 0.
Default 2000
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage The poll period is established at a fixed rate, which means that if running the poll cycle is delayed for any reason (for example, if a prior poll cycle takes longer than expected to complete) the next poll cycle occurs immediately to make up for the lost time caused by the delay.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum events in polling period (PollQuantity)

This property specifies the number of events that the adapter delivers to the export during each poll period.

Maximum events in polling period details
Required Yes
Default 10
Property type Integer
Usage The value must be greater than 0. If this value is increased, more events are processed per polling period and the adapter may perform less efficiently. If this value is decreased, fewer events are processed per polling period and the adapter's performance might improve slightly.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure (RetryLimit)

This property specifies the number of times the adapter tries to reestablish an inbound connection.

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure
Required No
Possible values 0 and positive integers
Default 0
Property type Integer

This property controls how many times the adapter retries the connection if the adapter cannot connect to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server to perform inbound processing. A value of 0 indicates an infinite number of retries.

To control whether the adapter retries if it cannot connect to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server when it is first started, use the RetryConnectionOnStartup property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Retry EIS connection on startup (RetryConnectionOnStartup)

This property controls whether the adapter attempts to connect again to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server if it cannot connect at startup.

Retry EIS connection on startup details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean
Usage This property indicates whether the adapter should retry the connection to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server if the connection cannot be made when the adapter is started:

  • Set the property to False when you want immediate feedback about whether the adapter can establish a connection to the PeopleSoft Enterprise server, for example, when you are building and testing the application that receives events from the adapter. If the adapter cannot connect, the adapter writes log and trace information and stops. The administrative console.shows the application status as Stopped. After you resolve the connection problem, start the adapter manually.
  • Set the property to True if you do not need immediate feedback about the connection. If the adapter cannot connect during startup, it writes log and trace information, and then attempts to reconnect, using the RetryInterval property to determine how frequently to retry and the value of the RetryLimit property to retry multiple times until that value is reached. The administrative console.shows the application status as Started.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (RetryInterval)

When the adapter encounters an error related to the inbound connection, this property specifies the length of time the adapter waits before trying to reestablish a connection.

Retry interval details
Required Yes
Default 2000
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage Only positive values are valid. When the adapter encounters an error related to the inbound connection, this property specifies the length of time the adapter waits before trying to establish a new connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling (StopPollingOnError)

This property specifies whether the adapter will stop polling for events when it encounters an error during polling.

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

If this property is set to True, the adapter stops polling when it encounters an error.

If this property is set to False, the adapter logs an exception when it encounters an error during polling and continues polling.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Inbound configuration properties

Related reference:
