IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > JDBC > Overview of IBM WebSphere Adapter for JDBC > Technical overview > Inbound processing

Custom event processing

In custom event processing, you provide the SQL queries or stored procedures that poll for events.

With custom event processing, you control which events are delivered to the export by providing a database query (the custom event query) for the adapter to run in place of the SQL query it uses to poll the event store in standard event processing. The custom event query must perform any necessary filtering. You specify that you want custom event processing by selecting an option in the wizard or by setting the EventQueryType activation specification property in the administrative console.

Custom event processing supports assured once delivery if you create the standard event store for storing XID values. The adapter stores the events returned by the custom event query in the event store and it updates the events with XID values. The adapter processes the events in the same way as for standard event processing. Do not create a custom query that queries the standard event store, because that table temporarily holds the events when the adapter is configured for assured once delivery. In addition, in this situation the event store must not have an automatic generation of event ID values, because the adapter populates the event ID value it retrieves from the custom query in the event store.

When you are using custom event processing, set the property Ensure once-only event delivery (AssuredOnceDelivery) to True.

You turn custom event processing on by selecting an advanced option in the wizard when you configure your module to use the adapter or by setting the EventQueryType activation specification property.

When you are using custom event processing, the properties Do not process events that have a timestamp in the future (FilterFutureEvents), Event types to process (EventTypeFilter), and Adapter Instance for event filtering (AdapterInstanceEventFilter) are not supported.

For information about archiving processed events from the event table, see Implementing archive events function for inbound service of WebSphere Adapter for JDBC.

Custom event query

You specify the custom event query to run by providing a user-defined event query in an advanced option in the wizard or by setting the CustomEventQuery activation specification property. Specify one of the following types of programs:

Any of these programs takes an input parameter containing the poll quantity, an activation specification property that the adapter provides at run time. The program can accept other input parameters as well. These programs must return a result set that has the poll quantity number of records and contains the following columns in order: event_id, object_key, object_name, and object_function. The adapter generates the event object from the result set and processes the events.

Standard SQL statements

You can provide an SQL SELECT statement that selects the events to process. The query can have input parameters in addition to the input parameter for poll quantity.

Stored procedure

The custom query can be a stored procedure that accepts the poll quantity as input and returns an output parameter of type result set. Use the following syntax to specify a stored procedure:

call  procedure_name (?, ?)

Where procedure_name is the name of the stored procedure to run. The first parameter represents the poll quantity and the second parameter represents the result set.

The stored procedure can accept other input parameters as well, which you provide in the call statement itself, for example:

call  procedure_name (25, ?, ?)

Stored function

The custom query can be a stored function that accepts the poll quantity as input and returns a result set. Use the following syntax to specify a stored function:

? = call  function_name (?)

Where function_name is the name of the stored function. The first parameter represents the result set, and the second parameter represents the poll quantity.

The stored function can accept other input parameters, which you provide in the call statement itself, for example:

? = call  function_name (?, 'abc')

Custom update and delete queries

Custom event processing also allows you to provide custom update and delete queries, which are run after each event is processed. You typically use an update query to ensure that a database record does not get picked up for processing during subsequent poll cycles. Use a delete query when database records need to be deleted after each event is processed. Both the update and delete queries are optional.

Update and delete queries are specified by the CustomUpdateQuery and CustomDeleteQuery activation specification properties. You can enter these queries as a standard SQL statement, a stored procedure, or a stored function. The syntax for the custom update or delete query is the same as the syntax for the custom query. Update and delete queries take an input parameter for the event ID. The adapter provides the value of event ID at run time. The queries can also have additional input parameters, which you provide in the query syntax itself, in the same way as described for the custom event query.

Inbound processing

Related concepts:

Standard event processing

Event store