IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > FTP > Reference > Inbound configuration properties

Activation specification properties

Activation specification properties are properties that hold the inbound event processing configuration information for a message endpoint.

Activation specification properties are used during endpoint activation to notify the adapter of eligible event listeners. During inbound processing, the adapter uses these event listeners to receive events before forwarding them to the endpoint (a message driven bean).

You set the activation specification properties using the external service wizard and can change them using the IBM Integration Designer Assembly Editor, or after deployment through the Process Administrative Console.

The following table lists the activation specification properties. A complete description of each property is provided in the sections that follow the table. For information about how to read the property details tables in the sections that follow, see Guide to understanding property details.

Activation specification properties
Property name Description
In the wizard In the administrative console
Ensure once-only event delivery (assuredOnceDelivery) assuredOnceDelivery

Specifies whether the adapter provides assured once delivery of events.

Auto create tables property (EP_CreateTable) EP_CreateTable

Specifies if the adapter should create an Event Persistence table.

Custom parser class name property (customParserClassName) customParserClassName

Fully qualified class name of the custom parser which is used to parse the ls –l output.

Data channel protection level (dataProtectionLevel) dataProtectionLevel Specifies the protection level of a data channel in case of FTPS protocol.
Database schema name property (EP_SchemaName) EP_SchemaName

Schema name of the database used by event persistence.

FTP server connection mode property (dataConnectionMode) dataConnectionMode

Data connection mode used by the FTP server during file transfers.

FTPS connection mode property (ftpsConnectionMode) ftpsConnectionMode

Specifies the FTPS connection mode used to set up connection to the FTPS server.

(Not available) defaultObjectName

Supported for compatibility with earlier versions.

Delivery type (deliveryType) deliveryType

Determines the order in which events are delivered by the adapter to the export.

Encoding used by FTP server property (EISEncoding) EISEncoding

Encoding of the FTP server.

(Not available) eventContentType

Supported for compatibility with earlier versions.

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name property (EP_DataSource_JNDIName) EP_DataSource_JNDIName

JNDI name of the data source used by event persistence to get the JDBC database connection.

Table name to store the event persistence information property (EP_TableName) EP_TableName

Name of the table that is used by the adapter for event persistence.

Table name to store the file processing status (EP_FileTableName) EP_FileTableName The name of the table used to store the file processing status.
Failure file extension for local archive property (failedArchiveExt) failedArchiveExt

File extension used to archive business objects in the event file that are not successfully processed.

File content encoding property (fileContentEncoding) fileContentEncoding

Encoding used to read the event files.

File extension for remote archive property (ftpRenameExt) ftpRenameExt

File extension or suffix that the adapter uses to rename the remote FTP file.

Keystore file property (keyStorePath) keyStorePath Specifies the path of the keystore that contains the private key entries.
Keystore password property (keyStorePassword) keyStorePassword Specifies the password used to encrypt the keystore.
Key password property (keyPassword) keyPassword Specifies the password used to encrypt the key.
Keystore type property (keyStoreType) keyStoreType Specifies the type of the keystore.
Pass only file name and directory, not the content property (filePassByReference) filePassByReference

Specifies that the file content of the event file is not sent to the export.

File transfer type property (fileTransferType) fileTransferType

File transfer type used during inbound processing.

Number of files to get at a time property (ftpGetQuantity) ftpGetQuantity

Determines the number of files retrieved from the remote FTP URL.

Number of poll periods between downloads property (ftpPollFrequency) ftpPollFrequency

Determines how frequently the adapter polls the FTP server.

Retry limit for failed events failedEventRetryLimit The number of times the adapter attempts to redeliver an event before marking the event as failed.
Run FTP script file after downloading files property (ftpScriptFileExecutedAfterInbound) ftpScriptFileExecutedAfterInbound

Specifies the path of the script file that will be executed after downloading the files from the FTP server.

Run FTP script file before downloading files property (ftpScriptFileExecutedBeforeInbound) ftpScriptFileExecutedBeforeInbound

Specifies the path of the script file that is executed before downloading the files from the FTP server.

Host name property (hostName) hostName

Host name of the FTP Server to which the connection is established.

Include business object delimiter in the file content property (includeEndBODelimiter) includeEndBODelimiter

When set to True, the delimiter is sent with the business object content for further processing.

Include total business object count in the ChunkInfo (includeBOCountInChunkInfo)


When set to true, the total business object count is included in the chunk information of the dataobject sent to the endpoint.

Local archive directory property (localArchiveDirectory) localArchiveDirectory

Absolute path of the local Archive directory.

Local directory property (localEventDirectory) localEventDirectory

Local system directory into which the adapter downloads event files from the FTP site.

File extension for local archive property (originalArchiveExt) originalArchiveExt

File extension used to archive the original event file.

Passphrase property passPhrase Used for enhanced security by encrypting the private key
Password property (password) password

Password of the user who has privileges to connect to the FTP server and perform FTP operations.

Password used to connect to event data source property (EP_Password) EP_Password

Password used during event persistence.

Interval between polling periods (pollPeriod) pollPeriod

The length of time that the adapter waits between polling periods.

Maximum events in polling period (pollQuantity) pollQuantity

The number of events the adapter delivers to the export during each poll period.

Port number property (portNumber) portNumber

Port number of the FTP server.

Private key file property (privateKeyFilePath) privateKeyFilePath

Private key used to authenticate to the Secure shell server.

Protocol property (protocol) protocol

Specifies if the connection to the FTP server is normal FTP or secure FTP.

Retrieve files with this pattern property (eventFileMask) eventFileMask

Filter for the event files.

Retry EIS connection on startup retryConnectionOn

Controls whether the adapter retries the connection to the FTP server if it cannot connect at startup.

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (milliseconds) retryInterval

The length of time that the adapter waits between attempts to reestablish connection after an error during inbound operations.

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure retryLimit

The number of times the adapter tries to reestablish an inbound connection after an error.

Remote archive directory property (ftpArchiveDirectory) ftpArchiveDirectory

Relative path of the archive directory on the FTP server.

Remote directory property (eventDirectory) eventDirectory

Remote directory of the FTP server from where the event files are retrieved for inbound processing.

Verify remote directory access permission (isPermissionCheckEnabled) isPermissionCheckEnabled

Specifies if the access permissions for the event directory must be verified before performing the inbound operation.

Enable server verification enableServerVerification Enables the remote server verification for SFTP protocol.
Host key file hostKeyFile The absolute path of the host key file that contains the host keys of the trusted servers.
Host name property (socksProxyHost) socksProxyHost

Host name of the machine used as a proxy server.

Password property (socksProxyPassword) socksProxyPassword

Password used to authenticate the proxy server.

Port number property (socksProxyPort) socksProxyPort

Port number of the proxy server.

User name property (socksProxyUserName) socksProxyUserName

User name used to authenticate the proxy server.

Sort event files property (sortEventFiles) sortEventFiles

Determines the sorting order of event files being polled.

Specify criteria to split file content property (splitCriteria) splitCriteria

Accepts different values based on the value of the SplittingFunctionClassName property.

Splitting function class name property splittingFunctionClassName

Accepts the fully qualified class name of the class file to be used to enable file splitting.

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling (stopPollingOnError) stopPollingOnError

Specifies whether the adapter stops polling for events when it encounters an error during polling.

Success file extension for local archive property (successArchiveExt) successArchiveExt

File extension used to archive all the successfully processed business objects.

Truststore file property (trustStorePath) trustStorePath Specifies the path of the truststore file that contains the certificates of the FTPS servers trusted by the adapter.
Truststore password property (trustStorePassword) trustStorePassword Specifies the password of the truststore.
Time interval for polling unchanged files (fileUnchangedTimeInterval) fileUnchangedTimeInterval

Specifies the time interval for the adapter to monitor the files for any updates in the content.

User name property (userName) userName

Name of the user who has privileges to connect to the FTP server and perform FTP operations.

User name used to connect to event data source property (EP_UserName) EP_UserName

User name used by event persistence for getting the database connection.

Rule editor to filter files ruleTable The collection of rules used to filter the events.
Enable remote verification property (enableRemoteVerification) enableRemoteVerification

Used to verify if the host system requesting the data transfer to or from the FTP server is the same host system on which the adapter is running.

Time out period for HA Active-Active event processing change (in seconds) (EP_Timeout)


Specifies the time interval for processing the events fetched.

Ensure once-only event delivery (assuredOnceDelivery)

This property specifies whether to provide ensure once-only event delivery for inbound events.

Ensure once-only event delivery details
Required Yes
Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean
Usage When this property is set to True, the adapter provides assured once event delivery. This means that each event is delivered once and only once. A value of False does not provide assured once event delivery, but provides better performance.

When this property is set to True, the adapter attempts to store transaction (XID) information in the event store. If it is set to False, the adapter does not attempt to store the information.

This property is used only if the export component is transactional. If it is not, no transaction can be used, regardless of the value of this property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Auto create tables property (EP_CreateTable)

This property specifies if the adapter creates the event persistence table and the file table.

Auto create tables property characteristics
Required No
Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean
Usage If the value is set to True, and the tables do not exist, then the adapter creates the tables, automatically. If the value is set to False, the adapter does not create the tables.

The tables are created automatically only for the following databases.

  • IBM DB2
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Apache Derby

For other databases, you must manually create the event table and the file table.

Globalized No

Custom parser class name property (customParserClassName)

Fully qualified class name of the custom parser which is used to parse the ls –l output. Used only when the ls –l output deviates from standard output.

Custom parser class name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized No

Data channel protection level (dataProtectionLevel)

This property specifies the protection level of the data transferred over the data channel. It specifies the type of data channel protection that the adapter and the server use.

Protection Buffer Size (PBSZ) and Data Channel Protection level (PROT) commands are issued by the adapter before opening a data channel to specify the protection level on the data channel. By default, the adapter issues the “PBSZ 0” command before issuing the PROT command.

Data channel protection level property characteristics
Required No
Possible values

Private - Data is transferred in encrypted form
Clear - Data is transferred as clear text

Default Private - Data is transferred in encrypted form
Property type String

This property is used for selecting the protection level for the data channel. Following are the protection values:

  • Private – Indicates that the data transfer will be integrity and confidentiality protected.
  • Clear – Indicates that the data channel will carry the raw data of the file transfer between the adapter and the server without any security.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Database schema name property (EP_SchemaName)

Schema name of the database used by event persistence.

Database schema name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Delivery type (deliveryType)

This property specifies the order in which events are delivered by the adapter to the export.

Delivery type details
Required No
Possible values


Property type String
Usage The following values are supported:

  • ORDERED: The adapter delivers events to the export one at a time.
  • UNORDERED: The adapter delivers all events to the export at once.

HA Active-Active configuration supports only unordered delivery type events to the export.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Encoding used by FTP server property (EISEncoding)

Encoding of the FTP server. Use this value to set the encoding for the control connection to the FTP server.

Specify any Java-supported encoding set for this attribute.

Encoding used by FTP server property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name property (EP_DataSource_JNDIName)

JNDI name of the data source used by event persistence to get the JDBC database connection. The data source must be created in IBM BPM. The database name specified while creating the data source must exist.

Event recovery data source (JNDI) name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Table name to store the event persistence information property (EP_TableName)

Name of the table that is used by the adapter for event persistence. When using multiple activation specifications, this value must be unique for each. The same table name must not be used by other instances of same adapter or a different adapter. If the table does not exist in the database, the adapter creates the table, when the EP_CreateTable property is set to True.

Table name to store the event persistence information property characteristics
Required No
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Table name to store the file processing status (EP_FileTableName)

This property specifies the table name to store the file processing status. The adapter continues to process the file from its last stored status, during the event recovery.

Table name to store the file processing status (EP_FileTableName) details
Required No
Property type String

This property supports WebSphere Adapter for FTP to read only the partial contents of the file required by the polling quantity and tracks the last file position reached after a partial read of the file. The file status stored in the table is used during the event recovery.

During the event recovery, the adapter continues to process the file from its last stored status in the table.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported Yes

FTP server connection mode property (dataConnectionMode)

This property represents the data connection mode used by the FTP server during file transfers.

FTP server connection mode property characteristics
Required No
Possible values active or passive
Default active
Property type String
Usage If the adapter is behind the firewall, set this property value as passive. If the FTP server is behind the firewall, set this property value as active.
Globalized No

FTPS connection mode property (ftpsConnectionMode)

This property is used to specify the connection mode when establishing a connection with the FTPS server. WebSphere Adapter for FTP now supports both Implicit and Explicit connection modes. This property is used when you select either FTP over secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol or FTP over transport layer security (TLS) protocol.

FTPS connection mode property characteristics
Required No
Possible values


Default Explicit
Property type String

This property represents the mode used to connect to the FTPS server.

When this property is set to:

  • Explicit connection mode, initially the connection is established as a normal FTP connection. To send sensitive information, such as password the adapter switches to a secure FTP connection by issuing an AUTH command.

    The default port for Explicit connection mode is 21.

  • Implicit connection mode, the connection is established as a secure FTP connection. All communications between the adapter and the server continues in a secure mode. There is no exchange of clear text information between the Adapter and the server.

    The default port for Implicit connection mode is 990.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Failure file extension for local archive property (failedArchiveExt)

File extension used to archive business objects in the event file that are not successfully processed. This property is used only when localArchiveDirectory is valid and exists.

Failure file extension for local archive property characteristics
Required No
Default fail
Property type String
Globalized Yes

File content encoding property (fileContentEncoding)

Encoding used to read the event files based on the EndBODelimiter property and during string to byte[] conversions. If not specified, the adapter attempts to read without any specific encoding. You can specify any Java™ supported encoding set.

File content encoding property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized No

File extension for remote archive property (ftpRenameExt)

File extension or suffix that the adapter uses to rename the remote FTP file after the connector has polled for it. Renaming the file prevents the connector from polling the same file in the next poll cycle. The adapter can be configured to rename the processed event file and move it to an archive directory.

File extension for remote archive property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Keystore file property (keyStorePath)

This property specifies the path of the keystore that contains the private key entries.

Keystore file property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the absolute path of the keystore file on the adapter machine (on which the adapter is running). The keystore file contains the private key entry of the FTPS client. It is also accompanied by a certificate chain for the corresponding public key. The keystore data is used to authenticate the clients identity while establishing an SSL connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Keystore password property (keyStorePassword)

This property specifies the password used to encrypt the keystore.

Keystore password property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the password of the keystore. It is used to check the integrity of the keystore data.

If the value is not specified, integrity check will not be executed. It is applicable only if the protocol value is set to FTP over SSL or FTP over TLS.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Key password property (keyPassword)

This property specifies the password used to encrypt the key.

Key password property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the password of the key used to recover the key from the keystore. The property is applicable only if the protocol value is set to FTP over SSL or FTP over TLS.
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Keystore type property (keyStoreType)

This property specifies the type of keystore.

Keystore type property characteristics
Required No
Possible values JKS and PKCS12
Default JKS
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the type of the keystore. It is applicable only if you select FTP over SSL or FTP over TLS as the protocol. This property is also applicable for the type of the truststore.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Truststore file property (trustStorePath)

This property specifies the path of the truststore file that contains the certificates of the FTPS servers trusted by the adapter.

Truststore file property characteristics
Required This property is required only if you set the protocol as FTP over SSL or FTP over TLS
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the absolute path of the truststore file on the adapter machine (on which the adapter is running). The truststore file contains the certificates of FTPS servers trusted by the adapter and is used to authenticate the servers identity while establishing an SSL connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Truststore password property (trustStorePassword)

This property specifies the password of the truststore.

Truststore password property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage This property specifies the password for the truststore. It is used to check the integrity of the truststore data.

If the value is not specified, the integrity check will not be executed. It is applicable only if the protocol value is set to FTP over SSL or FTP over TLS.

Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Time interval for polling unchanged files (fileUnchangedTimeInterval)

This property specifies the time interval for the adapter to monitor the files for any updates in the content. The adapter polls only those files that are not changed during the specified time interval.

Time interval for polling unchanged file
Required No
Default 0
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage This property enables the adapter to poll only those files that are not modified in the event directory for a specified time interval. When this property is selected, the adapter retrieves the unchanged files during the poll cycles. The adapter also polls the files that are currently being edited but retrieves the file content present during the last save of the file.

If the value is set to '0' the adapter polls the files instantly and does not check if the files are being modified.

The minimum value for this property is 0.

If you set a value less than 0, an error message is displayed.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Pass only file name and directory, not the content property (filePassByReference)

Specifies that the file content of the event file is not sent to the export.

Pass only file name and directory, not the content property characteristics
Required No
Default False
Property type Boolean
Usage If set to True, the file is appended with a timestamp and sent to the localArchiveDirectory. The timestamp prevents errors and overwrites to the file when another file with the same name is received. This property can be set to True only when the local archive directory name is specified in the localArchiveDirectory property. The specified directory must exist and you must have the right access permissions. This property is used only for PassThrough inbound processing. When enabled, the file is not split into chunks.

This property is disabled in the external service wizard if the Split file content based on the size (bytes) or delimiter property is selected. However, if both the filePassByReference and splittingFunctionClassName properties are set in the Process Administrative Console, the filePassByReference property takes precedence. Hence, the file is not split into chunks and the file content is not sent to the end point.

The format of the file saved in the localArchiveDirectory when this property is set to True is <FileName>_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSS, where yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSS refers to the timestamp when the file was archived.

Globalized No

File transfer type property (fileTransferType)

File transfer type used during inbound processing. Accepts either ASCII or binary.

File transfer type property characteristics
Required No
Default binary
Property type String
Globalized no

Number of files to get at a time property (ftpGetQuantity)

Determines the number of files retrieved from the remote FTP URL with each remote poll.

Number of files to get at a time property characteristic
Required Yes
Default 10
Property type Integer
Usage The minimum value for this property is 1.

If you set a value less than 1, an error message appears.

Globalized No

Number of poll periods between downloads property (ftpPollFrequency)

Determines how frequently the adapter polls the FTP server, measured in the number of standard poll cycles.

Number of poll periods between downloads property characteristics
Required Yes
Default 5
Property type Integer
Usage The minimum value for this property is 0.

If you set a value less than 0, an error message is displayed.


For example, if PollPeriod is set to 10000, and ftpPollFrequency is set to 6, the adapter polls the localEventDirectory every 10 seconds and polls the remote eventDirectory every 60 seconds. The adapter performs FTP polling only if you specify a value for this property. If pollPeriod is 0, you consider it as 1 for calculation. If the calculation evaluates to 0, the adapter does not perform FTP polling.

Globalized No

Retry limit for failed events (failedEventRetryLimit)

This property specifies the number of times that the adapter attempts to redeliver an event before marking the event as failed.

Retry limit for failed events details
Required No
Possible values Integers
Default 5
Property type Integer
Usage Use this property to control how many times the adapter tries to send an event before marking it as failed. It accepts the following values:


If this property is not set, the adapter tries five additional times before marking the event as failed.


The adapter tries to deliver the event an infinite number of times. When the property is set to 0, the event remains in the event store and the event is never marked as failed.

> 0

For integers greater than zero, the adapter retries the specified number of times before marking the event as failed.

< 0

For negative integers, the adapter does not retry failed events.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Run FTP script file after downloading files property (ftpScriptFileExecutedAfterInbound)

Specifies the path of the script file that will be executed after downloading the files from the FTP server.

Run FTP script file after downloading files property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Run FTP script file before downloading files property (ftpScriptFileExecutedBeforeInbound)

Specifies the path of the script file that is executed before downloading the files from the FTP server.

Run FTP script file before downloading files property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Host name property (hostName)

Host name of the FTP Server to which the connection is established during inbound processing.

Create Table property characteristics
Required Yes
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Include business object delimiter in the file content property (includeEndBODelimiter)

When set to True, the delimiter is sent with the business object content for further processing. This property is valid only when splitting the event files based on a delimiter.

Include business object delimiter in the file content property characteristics
Required No
Default False
Property type String
Globalized No

Include total business object count in the ChunkInfo (includeBOCountInChunkInfo)

This property, when set to true, specifies that the total business object count is included in the chunk information of the dataobject, which is sent to endpoint.

Include total business object count in the ChunkInfo property characteristics
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

This property is used for specifying whether the total business object count is included in the chunk information of the dataobject sent to the endpoint.

Format of the chunk information:

When the property is enabled


When the property is disabled

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Local archive directory property (localArchiveDirectory)

Absolute path of the local Archive directory. The directory must be valid and exist.

Local archive directory property characteristics
Required This property has to be specified if the filePassByReference property is set to True.
Default No default value
Property type String


You can use a WebSphere Application Server environment variable to represent the local archive directory. Specify the name of the environment variable in braces, preceded by a $ symbol.

For example: ${LOCALARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}. For more information, see Defining WebSphere Application Server environment variables.

  • The localArchiveDirectory must be created manually, on the machine where the adapter runs, before the adapter is started, as the adapter does not create this directory automatically.

  • To send only the file name and the directory path to end point using the filePassByReference property, you must specify the local archive directory.

Globalized Yes

Local directory property (localEventDirectory)

Local system directory into which the adapter downloads event files from the FTP site. Specify a value for this property to enable the adapter to process events.

Local directory property characteristics
Required Yes
Default No default value
Property type String


You can use a WebSphere Application Server environment variable to represent the local event directory. Specify the name of the environment variable in braces, preceded by a $ symbol.

For example: ${LOCAL_DIRECTORY}. See Defining WebSphere Application Server environment variables.

The localEventDirectory must be created manually, on the machine where the adapter runs, before the adapter is started, as the adapter does not create this directory automatically.

Globalized Yes

File extension for local archive property (originalArchiveExt)

File extension used to archive the original event file. This preserves the entire event file for reference in case any of its business objects fail. This property is used only when localArchiveDirectory is valid and exists.

File extension for local archive property characteristics
Required No
Default original
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Password property (password)

Password of the user who has privileges to connect to the FTP server and perform FTP operations. You do not need to specify a value for this property if the password is included in the URL specified in the eventDirectory property.

Password property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Password used to connect to event data source property (EP_Password)

The password used during event persistence to get the database connection from the data source.

Password used to connect to event data source property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Interval between polling periods (pollPeriod)

This property specifies the length of time that the adapter waits between polling periods.

Interval between polling periods details
Required Yes
Possible values Integers greater than or equal to 0.
Default 2000
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage The poll period is established at a fixed rate, which means that if running the poll cycle is delayed for any reason (for example, if a prior poll cycle takes longer than expected to complete) the next poll cycle occurs immediately to make up for the lost time caused by the delay.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum events in polling period (pollQuantity)

This property specifies the number of events that the adapter delivers to the export during each poll period.

Maximum events in polling period details
Required Yes
Default 10
Property type Integer
Usage The value must be greater than 0. If this value is increased, more events are processed per polling period and the adapter may perform less efficiently. If this value is decreased, fewer events are processed per polling period and the adapter's performance might improve slightly.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Passphrase property (passPhrase)

This property is used for enhanced security by encrypting the private key.

Passphrase property property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage Used for enhanced security. It protects the private key by encrypting it in an SFTP configuration.
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Port number property (portNumber)

Port number of the FTP server through which the connection is established during inbound processing.

Port number property characteristics
Required Yes
Default 21 for FTP and FTPS in Explicit mode, 990 for FTPS in Implicit mode, and 22 for SFTP.
Property type Integer
Globalized No

Private key file property (privateKeyFilePath)

This property enables you to browse and select the private key, which is used to authenticate to the Secure shell server.

Private key property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage Absolute path of the file which contains the private key. Used to authenticate the user to the Secure shell server.
Example c:\temp\key.ppk
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Protocol property (protocol)

Protocol that determines whether the connection to be established is a normal FTP connection or a secure FTP connection.

For example:

Normal connection: FTP

FTP over SSL connection: FTPS_SSL

FTP over TLS connection: FTPS_TLS

SSH-File Transfer Protocol connection: SFTP

Protocol property characteristics
Required Yes
Default FTP
Property type String
Globalized No

Remote archive directory property (ftpArchiveDirectory)

Relative path of the archive directory on the FTP server. The directory must exist. There are several options for using this property to specify archiving:

The value of remote archive directory property accepts both the absolute and relative paths of the directory. If the value does not start with a forward slash, the adapter considers the path to be relative to your home directory.

Remote archive directory property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String


You can use a WebSphere Application Server environment variable to represent the remote archive directory. Specify the name of the environment variable in braces, preceded by a $ symbol.

For example: ${REMOTEARCHIVE_DIRECTORY}. For more information, see Defining WebSphere Application Server environment variables.

The archive directory located on the FTP server and used in inbound configuration represents the absolute path of the archive directory. It does not contain any host name or URL information. This directory is located on the same FTP server where the Event Directory is located, for example: /home/archive.

The FTPArchiveDirectory must be created manually, on the machine where the adapter runs, before the adapter is started, as the adapter does not create this directory automatically.

Globalized Yes

Remote directory property (eventDirectory)

Remote directory of the FTP server from where the event files are retrieved for inbound processing. If the value of Remote directory is set to <HOME_DIR>, the adapter polls for event files in the users home directory.

The value of event directory property accepts both the absolute and relative paths of the directory.

If the value does not start with a forward slash, the adapter considers the path to be relative to the users home directory.

Remote directory property characteristics
Required Yes
Default <HOME_DIR>
Property type String

You can use a WebSphere Application Server environment variable to represent the remote directory. Specify the name of the environment variable in braces, preceded by a $ symbol.

For example: ${REMOTE_DIRECTORY}. See Defining WebSphere Application Server environment variables.

The EventDirectory must be created manually, on the machine where the adapter runs, before the adapter is started, as the adapter does not create this directory automatically. The adapter must have the right access permissions to delete the files on the event directory.

Globalized Yes

Verify remote directory access permission (isPermissionCheckEnabled)

This property specifies that the access permissions for the event directory must be verified before performing the inbound operation.

Verify remote directory access permission property characteristics
Required No
Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean
Usage If the property is set to True, the adapter verifies the access permissions for the event directory before performing the inbound operation. The adapter requires the necessary permission to perform the listing operation on the parent directory.

If the property is set to False, the access permissions are not verified. As the access permissions are not verified and if the necessary access permissions are not set for the event directory, the inbound operation fails.

This property must be set to false, if you are using an FTP server that locks the user's home directory, and your event directory is the same as the user's home directory. Because, the adapter cannot verify permissions without moving to the parent directory of the user's home directory.

Globalized No

Retrieve files with this pattern property (eventFileMask)

Filter for the event files. The file filter is a well-qualified expression consisting of alphanumeric characters and the * and ? wild cards.

Retrieve files with this pattern property characteristics
Required Yes
Default *.*
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Enable remote verification property (enableRemoteVerification)

When a client connects to the FTP server, two kinds of connections or channels are established; a command connection (also known as control connection), and a data connection. The command connection is the one through which the FTP commands are sent (and replies to these commands received) to the server and the data connection is the channel through which the data transfer takes place between the client and the server.

This property is used to verify if the host system requesting the data transfer to or from the FTP server is the same host system on which the adapter is running.

The verification is done while establishing a data connection to perform data transfer.

This property is applicable only to FTP and FTPS protocols.

Enable Remote verification property characteristics
Required No
Possible values


Default True
Property type Boolean

This property verifies if the data connection and the control connection are from the same host system. By default, the remote verification property is set to True by the FTP server.

When this property is set to:

  • True, during run time, the adapter checks if the data connection is established with the same host as the control connection. If the data connection is established from a different host than the control connection, then an exception is thrown and the connection fails.
  • False, remote verification is not performed.

Disabling the remote verification leads to low security. Precaution must be taken before disabling the remote verification.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Retry EIS connection on startup (retryConnectionOn

This property controls whether the adapter attempts to connect again to the FTP server if it cannot connect at startup.

Retry EIS connection on startup details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean
Usage This property indicates whether the adapter should retry the connection to the FTP server if the connection cannot be made when the adapter is started:

  • Set the property to False when you want immediate feedback about whether the adapter can establish a connection to the FTP server, for example, when you are building and testing the application that receives events from the adapter. If the adapter cannot connect, the adapter writes log and trace information and stops. The administrative console.shows the application status as Stopped. After you resolve the connection problem, start the adapter manually.
  • Set the property to True if you do not need immediate feedback about the connection. If the adapter cannot connect during startup, it writes log and trace information, and then attempts to reconnect, using the RetryInterval property to determine how frequently to retry and the value of the RetryLimit property to retry multiple times until that value is reached. The administrative console.shows the application status as Started.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Time between retries in case of system connection failure (retryInterval)

When the adapter encounters an error related to the inbound connection, this property specifies the length of time the adapter waits before trying to reestablish a connection.

Retry interval details
Required Yes
Default 2000
Unit of measure Milliseconds
Property type Integer
Usage Only positive values are valid. When the adapter encounters an error related to the inbound connection, this property specifies the length of time the adapter waits before trying to establish a new connection.
Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure (retryLimit)

This property specifies the number of times the adapter tries to reestablish an inbound connection.

Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure
Required No
Possible values 0 and positive integers
Default 0
Property type Integer

This property controls how many times the adapter retries the connection if the adapter cannot connect to the FTP server to perform inbound processing. A value of 0 indicates an infinite number of retries.

To control whether the adapter retries if it cannot connect to the FTP server when it is first started, use the RetryConnectionOnStartup property.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Enable server verification property (enableServerVerification)

This property is used to enable the remote server verification for SFTP protocol.

Enable server verification property details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

When this property is set to:

  • True, server authentication is enabled
  • False, server authentication is disabled

The adapter checks for the HostKeyFile property in the path of the file that contains the host keys of the trusted servers.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Host key file property (hostKeyFile)

This property provides the absolute path of the host key file that contains the host key of the trusted servers.

Host key file property characteristics
Required This property has to be specified if the EnableServerVerification property is enabled.
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage The adapter uses this property to verify the host key of the remote server with the host keys of the trusted servers specified in this file.
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Host name property (socksProxyHost)

Host name of the machine used as a proxy server through which the adapter requests are routed to the FTP server.

Host name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Password property (socksProxyPassword)

Password used to authenticate the proxy server.

Password property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Port number property (socksProxyPort)

Port number of the proxy server through which the adapter requests are routed to the FTP server.

Port number property characteristics
Required No
Default 1080
Property type Integer
Globalized No

User name property (socksProxyUserName)

User name used to authenticate the proxy server.

User name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Sort event files property (sortEventFiles)

Determines the sorting order of event files being polled.

Sort event files property characteristics
Required No
Possible values

  • by file name – sort ascending on file name
  • by time stamp – sort ascending on last modified timestamp
  • no sort – not sorted

Default no sort (= not sorted)
Property type String
Usage Event file ordering from which events need to be delivered is valid only if the activation specification deliveryType property is set to ORDERED. File name sorting is provided based on the locale of the FTP server. The ICU4J package is used to track the locales and their corresponding rules.

In a HA Active-Active configuration, sorting of event files being polled is not supported.

Globalized No

Specify criteria to split file content property (splitCriteria)

This property accepts different values based on the value of the splittingFunctionClassName property.

For example: To specify that a file is to be split every 5 KB, set the splitCriteria property to 5000.

This property is disabled if the Pass only file name and directory, not the content property is selected.

When filePassByReference is enabled during inbound PassThrough, the event file is not split.

For input files that contain multiple COBOL copybook records, in order to enable file splitting by size you must provide the correct length of each record. To determine the size of each record, use one of these methods:

  1. Open the Business Object in a text editor.
    1. For example:

      <element name="CustomerNumber">
      <appinfo source="">
      <td:initialValue kind="SPACE"/>
      <td:simpleInstanceTD accessor="readWrite" attributeInBit="false" 
      contentSize="5" offset="0" size="5"> <td:sharedType> <td:stringTD addrUnit="byte" alignment="byte" characterSize="1"
      lengthEncoding="fixedLength" paddingCharacter=" "
      prefixLength="0" width="5"/> </td:sharedType> </td:simpleInstanceTD> </td:typeDescriptorElement> </appinfo> </annotation> <simpleType> <restriction base="string"> <maxLength value="5"/> </restriction> </simpleType> </element>
      Each element in the business object has a corresponding <element> entry.
    2. Look for a restriction tag for each element tag (the COBOL data binding requires a fixed-width data handler).

    3. Add up the maxLength attribute values for each of the elements. In this example, the value is 5. The sum of the maxLength values is the size of each record of type DFHCOMMAREA.
  2. Open the Business Object in a text editor.
    1. Look for the complex type tag with the business object name value in the name attribute. In the example that follows, the business object name is DFHCOMMAREA.
    2. Locate a namespace-appended tag called aggregateInstanceTD and use the value for the attribute contentSize. In this example, the value is 117. This is the size of each record of type DFHCOMMAREA.
      <complexType name="DFHCOMMAREA">
      <appinfo source="">
      <td:aggregateInstanceTD accessor="readWrite" attributeInBit="false" 
      contentSize="117" offset="0" size="117">

Specify criteria to split file content property characteristics
Required No
Default 0
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Splitting function class name property

This value accepts the fully qualified class name of the class file to be used to enable file splitting. The following are the class names that the property can accept:

Optionally, you can provide a custom file splitter class and use it by inputting the class name into the splittingFunctionClassName property.

The delimiter or file size is provided in the splitCriteria property. If the splittingFunctionClassName property is null, this property is automatically set to

This property is disabled if the Pass only file name and directory, not the content property is selected.

Splitting function class name property characteristics
Required No
Property type String
Globalized No

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling (stopPollingOnError)

This property specifies whether the adapter will stop polling for events when it encounters an error during polling.

Stop the adapter when an error is encountered while polling details
Required No
Possible values


Default False
Property type Boolean

If this property is set to True, the adapter stops polling when it encounters an error.

If this property is set to False, the adapter logs an exception when it encounters an error during polling and continues polling.

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

Success file extension for local archive property (successArchiveExt)

File extension used to archive all the successfully processed business objects. This property is used only when localArchiveDirectory is valid and exists.

For example, 12345.order > 12345.order.success

Success file extension for local archive property characteristics
Required No
Default success
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Time out period for HA Active-Active event processing change (in seconds) (EP_Timeout)

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for processing the events fetched. The unprocessed events at the end of the time interval are reprocessed as new events.

Time out period for HA Active-Active event processing change (in seconds) property characteristics
Required Yes
Default 300
Unit of measure Seconds
Property type Integer
Usage This property is used for specifying the time interval, in seconds, for the adapter to process the events fetched.

If for any reason the adapter fails to process all the fetched events at the end of the time interval, the unprocessed events are reprocessed as new events by a different adapter.

You can use this property if the HA Active-Active configuration is enabled and the guaranteed delivery event is required.

The minimum value for this property is 0. If you set a value less than 0, an error message appears

Globalized No
Bidi supported No

User name property (userName)

Name of the user who has privileges to connect to the FTP server and perform FTP operations. You do not need to specify a value for this property if the user name is included in the URL specified in the eventDirectory property.

User name property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

User name used to connect to event data source property (EP_UserName)

User name used by event persistence for getting the database connection from the data source.

User name used to connect to event data source property characteristics
Required No
Default No default value
Property type String
Globalized Yes

Rule editor to filter files (ruleTable)

This property is used to filter event files based on a set of rules

Rule editor to filter files
Required Optional
Default No default value
Property type String
Usage During an inbound processing, if the value in the rule table is specified, then the event files are fetched after filtering, based on the specified rules before polling those event files.
Globalized Yes
Bidi supported No

Inbound configuration properties

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