IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > FTP > Configure the module for deployment > Configure the adapter for outbound processing

Authentication using connection specification properties

WebSphere Adapter for FTP uses connection properties either through Managed Connection Factory properties or a Java™ Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS) alias. If you want to change the connection properties used for authentication with either one of these authentication methods, you can change the connection properties through the IBM BPM administrative console and restart the Java EE application or change the JAAS security settings.

In addition to the methods explained, the connection parameters can also be specified through the ConnectionSpec properties. The ConnectionSpec properties are used by an application component to pass connection-related properties.

Based on the protocol used in the Managed Connection Factory, you can specify the relevant ConnectionSpec properties for the outbound request. If you specify both ConnectionSpec properties and Managed Connection Factory properties during run time, the adapter uses the values specified in the ConnectionSpec properties to create a connection and ignores the values in the Managed Connection Factory properties. For more information about security settings, see Security.

The following table lists the ConnectionSpec properties for different protocols:

ConnectionSpec properties

  • userName
  • password

  • userName
  • password
  • trustStorePath
  • trustStorePassword
  • keyStorePath
  • keyStorePassword
  • keyPassword
  • keyStoreType

  • userName
  • password
  • privateKeyFilePath
  • passphrase
  • hostKeyFile

To configure the adapter to create an FTP server connection, see Passing the connection parameters dynamically.

Outbound processing

Configure the module for outbound processing

Previous topic: Setting interaction specification properties and generating the service

Next topic: Passing the connection parameters dynamically

Related tasks:

Passing the connection parameters dynamically

Create an interface

Create a Java component