IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Email > Configure the module for deployment

Defining WebSphere Application Server environment variables

Use the Process Administrative Console of IBM BPM or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus to define WebSphere Application Server environment variables.

To define a WebSphere Application Server environment variable, use the following procedure:


  1. Start the Process Administrative Console.

  2. Select Environment > WebSphere Variables.

  3. Select the scope for the environment variable. The scope specifies the level at which the resource definition is visible on the Process Administrative Console panel. The possible values are server, node, and cell. In the following figure, the scope is defined at the cell level as Cell=Dmgr1Cell.

    Figure 1. Setting the scope for the environment variable

  4. Click New and provide a name and a value for the environment variable. The name is the symbolic name that represents a physical path. The value is the absolute path that the variable represents. In this example, the name is ARCHIVE_FOLDER and the value is C:/email/ArchiveFolder. You can use the Description field, which is optional, to describe the purpose of the variable.

    Figure 2. Providing a name and a value for the environment variable

  5. Click OK to save the changes.


An environment variable called ARCHIVE_FOLDER is defined, with the value C:/email/ArchiveFolder and a scope of Cell=Dmgr1Cell.

You can use it in the external service wizard whenever you specify the event directory.

Figure 3. The new environment variable ARCHIVE_FOLDER displayed in the WebSphere Variables window

What to do next

Define business objects for the module.

Configure the module for deployment

Previous topic: Create the module

Next topic: Defining business objects

Related concepts:

WebSphere Application Server environment variables

Required folders for inbound processing

Related reference:

Managed connection factory properties

Activation specification properties