IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Enterprise Content Management > Overview of WebSphere Adapter for Enterprise Content Management > Technical overview > Outbound processing > Outbound operations

UpdateProperties operation

The UpdateProperties operation updates the properties in a document in the CMIS server based on the request from the SCA component.

Any Document in the CMIS server has a unique Object ID and a Document Path associated with it. The adapter uses the value set in the unique Object ID to search for the document in the specified Content Management Repository.

If the Object ID is not provided in the request business object, the adapter tries to use the value set in the Document Path. The adapter throws an error when both the Object ID and the Document Path are not provided in the request business object.

When both Object ID and document path are provided as input to the operation, the Object ID takes a precedence over the document path value to perform the operation.

After the adapter receives the update request from the SCA application along with the unique Object ID or the Document Path of the document, the adapter processes the request and makes the specified updates to the document properties.

Every Document Type has a set of named, but not explicitly ordered properties which are added in a separate Business Object. The name of this business object would be the Document Type in Camel-case followed by the word Properties. The incoming request business object can contain updates for the document itself or one or more of its Properties.

For example, the structure of a request and response Document type is modeled as the below business object:

Figure 1. Structure of a request or response business object

By default, the adapter updates only those items in the document (content and Properties) that have valid data in the corresponding business object fields. During an Update operation, if the value of a Property field on the business object is explicitly set to null, the adapter updates the document properties by setting the same null value.

After the document property is updated, it is sent back to the calling component to indicate that the property was updated successfully.

The response sent back to the calling component contains just the Properties business object. The response also has attributes that include the Object ID and information about the result of the operation.

The Update operation might throw the MissingDataFault, the InvalidRequestFault, or the DocumentNonUpdatabilityFault fault depending upon the processing error. For more information about business faults, see Fault business objects.

Outbound operations

Related reference:

Fault business objects