IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Lotus Domino > Troubleshooting and support

Avoiding stale connection problems when invoking the outbound request

Connection-related problems can be resolved in WebSphere Adapter for Lotus Domino using the connectionRetryLimit and connectionRetryInterval properties defined in the Managed connection factory of the Domino adapter.

The two properties are used to provide two features during outbound communication of the adapter and are optional by default.

In the service generation and deployment configuration window as explained in the Setting deployment properties and generating the service topic for the appropriate interface, configure the connection information.


  1. Click Advanced -> Additional connection configuration.
  2. Set the Maximum number of retries in case of system connection failure to the appropriate positive integer:

    • If the property value is set to 0, then the adapter does not perform any EIS connection validation but only executes the outbound operation. If the EIS connection is invalid, the outbound operation fails. Though the subsequent requests get executed successfully provided the Domino system is functional, the current request fails.

    • If the property value is set to greater than 0, then during each request the adapter validates that the EIS connection is active.

      • If connection is valid then operation is completed. If connection is invalid, the adapter invalidates the current managed connection so that a new managed connection is created (new physical connection).

      • If the connection is created successfully, the outbound operation is completed otherwise a ResourceException error is thrown.

  3. Set the Time interval between retries if connection fails (milliseconds) field with the appropriate integer to indicate time in milliseconds in between the attempts. This property is enabled only when the connectionRetryLimit property has a value greater than 0.

    If the connectionRetryLimit property is invalid, the adapter tries to create a new connection. When the adapter is unable to create a connection, the adapter tries to reconnect as per the specified value in the connectionRetryLimit property.

    If the adapter is still unable to create a connection, an exception is thrown.


The two new features take care of connections which are timed out or become stale after the EIS restarts. Even though this option solves most of connection-related problems, the adapter is not guaranteed to work 100% error free for connection problems.

Troubleshooting and support