IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Create processes in IBM Process Designer > Modeling processes > Globalization

Support for text layout transformation

IBM BPM provides bidirectional (bidi) text layout options for process design.

Complete the following steps for bidi text layout transformation:


  1. Start with a simple process diagram that includes Start > Human service > End.

  2. Insert a simple human service with one coach preceded by a user task. The user task is the key element to implement the bidi text layout transformation. This user task is a JavaScript, whose variables can be set and modified by using the Properties panel.

  3. Select the user task in the diagram, and provide an input string variable for the user task in the Properties panel, for example, var1.

  4. Create a coach with a single input field with bindings to variable var1.

  5. In the Implementation tab of the Properties panel, provide the script for calling the bidi engine to implement the transform user task. The call API is as follows: tw.local.Var = tw.system.bidiTransformation(tw.local.Var,"input_bidi_format", "outputBidiFormat", symmetricSwapping), where tw.local.Var1 is string to be transformed.

    The input BidiFormat and output BidiFormat can have the following values:

    • LLTR - logical left-to-right
    • LRTL - logical right-to-left
    • LCLR - logical contextual left-to-right
    • LCRL - logical contextual right-to-left
    • VLTR - visual left-to-right
    • VRTL - visual right-to-left
    • VCLR - visual contextual left-to-right
    • VCRL - visual contextual right-to-left

    In this example, isSymmetricSwapping is a Boolean variable. The call to bidi engine displays as follows:

    tw.local.Var1 = tw.system.bidiTransformation(tw.local.Var1,"LLTR", "LRTL", true)

    Tip: Bidirectional text layout transformation can be applied to any string variable (either input or output) as part of preprocessing, postprocessing, or implementation of a specially created human task. Typically, bidirectional text layout transformations are required for conversion of bidi textual data stored in the databases to a Logical LTR format assumed by the BPM user interface, but can be used for other purposes.

  6. Run the coach.
