IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Create processes in IBM Process Designer > Modeling processes > Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems > Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems

Runtime behavior for inbound content events

To work with inbound content events, you should understand the two key concepts of runtime behavior: the event source ID and the filtering and processing of event subscriptions.

These two concepts are described in the following sections.

Event source ID

BPM may receive content events from multiple ECM systems and repositories. The event source ID is used to uniquely identify each ECM system and repository and to correlate incoming content events with event subscriptions. When an ECM event handler sends content events to BPM, it also provides the event source ID for the corresponding ECM system.

The event source ID maps to an ID that is native to the ECM system and that is retrieved by the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operation getRepositoryInfo. On IBM FileNet Content Manager, the event source ID maps to the object store ID (including the left brace and right brace characters). On all other ECM systems, the event source ID maps to the repository ID, which is generally a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).

Filtering and processing of event subscriptions

BPM supports a form of publish/subscribe (pub/sub) for content events. For any single inbound content event, there may be multiple event subscriptions that subscribe to the event. A query is used to match all incoming content events against all event subscriptions in all process applications according to the following criteria:

The query returns the event subscriptions that match these criteria and that are enabled and authorized.

When BPM receives an inbound content event, all matching event subscriptions are triggered that subscribe to the event and that belong to the following snapshots:

Each event subscription has an attached service that must include the ECMContentEvent business object as an input parameter. When an event subscription is triggered, the attached service is started asynchronously and an instance of the ECMContentEvent business object is created. The running service may invoke the undercover agent (UCA) that is attached to the Start Content Event or the Intermediate Content Event that is defined in the business process definition (BPD).

Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems