IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with messaging systems > WebSphere MQ Java Message Service (MQ JMS)

WebSphere MQ JMS programming model

The WebSphere MQ JMS programming model is discussed in this section.

IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java™ Message Service (also referred to as WebSphere MQ JMS) is a set of Java classes that enables JMS applications that use WebSphere MQ systems as its messaging provider. Both the point-to-point and publish-subscribe models of JMS are supported. These Java classes are available as part of the IBM WebSphere MQ client support.

The JMS application is written to use only references to interfaces. Vendor-specific information is encapsulated in implementations of the following JMS administered objects: QueueConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, Queue and Topic.

These JMS administered objects are built using a vendor-supplied administration tool and stored on a JNDI namespace. A JMS application can retrieve these objects from the namespace and use them without needing to know which vendor provided the implementation, which, in this case, is the IBM WebSphere MQ JMS provider.

The following diagram shows the relationship between an IBM Integration Designer application running on the IBM Process Server and a Java Message Service (JMS) client application in the WebSphere MQ JMS programming model.

WebSphere MQ Java Message Service (MQ JMS)