IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Testing modules > Component testing > Automating tests using Ant scripts

Use Ant scripts for testing in headless IBM Process Server

In the headless (command line) batch processing environment of IBM BPM, you can use Ant scripts to automate the testing of component test projects, test suites, and test cases created in IBM Integration Designer. Ant scripts enable you to automatically perform numerous tasks, such as building and deploying your projects. Although IBM Integration Designer provides a headless batch processing environment that you can use to test component test projects, it is generally recommended that you use the headless environment of IBM BPM to use standard tools like serviceDeploy and wsadmin.

Another reason for using the headless environment of IBM BPM is to reduce the possibility of encountering performance problems when testing a large number of component test projects, test suites, or test cases. When the IBM BPM headless environment is used, only IBM BPM needs to be running. By comparison, when the IBM Integration Designer headless environment is used, both IBM BPM and IBM Integration Designer need to be running. Obviously, running IBM Process Server by itself is less taxing on system resources than running both IBM BPM and IBM Integration Designer at the same time, which means that you are less likely to encounter performance problems during your testing.

Although headless IBM Process Server is the recommended test environment, there are several kinds of artifacts that cannot be successfully tested in this environment and you should use headless IBM Integration Designer instead. These artifacts are described in the "Limitations" topic.

The following topics describe how to use Ant scripts for testing in the headless environment of IBM BPM:

Automating tests using Ant scripts